Metamolecule metamaterial fabrication with 3D co-assembly

Metamaterials, famously likened to Harry Potter's invisible cloak, are artificial nano structures designed to manipulate light properties. However, the practical application of this technology in everyday life depends on ...

Creating communities with blended learning

Linlin Pei, together with her supervisors Cindy Poortman, Kim Schildkamp and Nieck Benes studied three blended learning courses at the University of Twente to find the main factors that contribute to or limit the sense of ...

NASA's Fermi captures dynamic gamma-ray sky in new animation

Cosmic fireworks, invisible to our eyes, fill the night sky. We can get a glimpse of this elusive light show thanks to the Large Area Telescope (LAT) aboard NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, which observes the sky in ...

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