Related topics: children ยท students

Does learning improve when every student gets a laptop?

Schools that provide each student with a laptop computer, as well as the appropriate support for both students and teachers, see significant improvement in academic achievement, a new paper indicates.

Preventing the achievement gap in mathematics starts early

A long-term NC State research project on how to provide students with a firm foundation in mathematics, starting in kindergarten, sheds light on ways to lessen the likelihood of an academic achievement gap in later grades. ...

Parents aiming too high can harm child's academic performance

When parents have high hopes for their children's academic achievement, the children tend to do better in school, unless those hopes are unrealistic, in which case the children may not perform well in school, according to ...

Too many school students are over-confident

Many recent, large-scale and international studies confirm that there are things outside of a child's natural intelligence that affect their academic performance.

School results boosted by improved focus in class

Researchers from the University of Adelaide say attempts to improve children's attentiveness in the early years could be rewarded with better literacy and maths abilities by ages 6-7 years.

Teachers, pupils disagree about who the bullies are, study says

New research from the University of Illinois indicates that elementary school students and their teachers often don't agree on who bullies whom in their classrooms. And researchers say that intervention and prevention programs ...

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