Related topics: children · students

Cyberbullying and bullying are not the same: research

University of British Columbia research comparing traditional bullying with cyberbullying finds that the dynamics of online bullying are different, suggesting that anti-bullying programs need specific interventions to target ...

Study shows family solution to teen troubles

( -- How do you keep at-risk teens off drugs and out of trouble? According to a new University of Georgia study, family can make a difference.

Poverty-related stress affects readiness for school

Stress in the lives of poor children is one cause of the early achievement gap in which children from low-income homes start school behind their more advantaged classmates.

Study supports students not repeating a school year

( -- A study by the University of Sydney's Professor Andrew Martin, published in this month's issue of the British Educational Research Journal, makes new findings of better outcomes for students who do not repeat ...

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