A simple numbers game seems to make kids better at math

Although math skills are considered notoriously hard to improve, Johns Hopkins University researchers boosted kindergarteners' arithmetic performance simply by exercising their intuitive number sense with a quick computer ...

Gender gap discovered in science exam performance

Male students in undergraduate introductory biology courses are outperforming females at test time, but it may be due to how exams are designed rather than academic ability. In addition, high socioeconomic status students ...

Human children and wild great apes share their tool use cognition

Young children will spontaneously invent tool behaviours to solve novel problems, without the help of adults, much as non-human great apes have been observed to do. The findings, from the University of Birmingham, are contrary ...

Semantically speaking: Does meaning structure unite languages?

We create words to label people, places, actions, thoughts, and more so we can express ourselves meaningfully to others. Do humans' shared cognitive abilities and dependence on languages naturally provide a universal means ...

Do bigger brains make smarter carnivores?

Why do dolphins evolve large brains relative to the size of their bodies, while blue whales and hippos have brains that are relatively small?

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