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Double shadow transit season for Jupiter's moons begins

Watching the inky-black shadow of a Jovian moon slide across the cloud-tops of Jupiter is an unforgettable sight. Two is always better than one, and as the largest planet in our solar system heads towards opposition on March ...

What Hit Jupiter?

( -- It began with a furrowed brow, a moment of puzzlement, quickly dismissed.

Voyager instrument cooling after heater turned off

( -- In order to reduce power consumption, mission managers have turned off a heater on part of NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft, dropping the temperature of its ultraviolet spectrometer instrument more than 23 degrees ...

Juno probe discovers surprising activity in Jupiter's interior

NASA's Juno spacecraft has plumbed the depths of Jupiter, revealing that the planet's famous bands of swirling winds extend thousands of kilometres down. The work is the sharpest glimpse yet into Jupiter's interior.

NASA's Juno to soar closest to Jupiter this Saturday

This Saturday at 5:51 a.m. PDT, (8:51 a.m. EDT, 12:51 UTC) NASA's Juno spacecraft will get closer to the cloud tops of Jupiter than at any other time during its prime mission. At the moment of closest approach, Juno will ...

Cloudy days on exoplanets may hide atmospheric water

Water is a hot topic in the study of exoplanets, including "hot Jupiters," whose masses are similar to that of Jupiter, but which are much closer to their parent star than Jupiter is to the sun. They can reach a scorching ...

Researchers unveil Jupiter's smallest known moon

( -- At a measly 2 kilometres in diameter, the smallest of two moons recently discovered orbiting Jupiter may be the giant planet's smallest known satellite.

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