New exoplanet detected with the ESPRESSO spectrograph

Using the Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanets and Stable Spectroscopic Observations (ESPRESSO), astronomers from Switzerland and Austria have discovered a new alien world. The newfound exoplanet orbits a nearby M dwarf ...

Traces of ancient ocean discovered on Mars

A recently released set of topography maps provides new evidence for an ancient northern ocean on Mars. The maps offer the strongest case yet that the planet once experienced sea-level rise consistent with an extended warm ...

Magma on Mars likely, study finds

Since 2018, when the NASA InSight Mission deployed the SEIS seismometer on the surface of Mars, seismologists and geophysicists at ETH Zurich have been listening to the seismic pings of more than 1,300 marsquakes. Again and ...

Astronomers detect an inflated 'hot Jupiter' exoplanet

An international team of astronomers has discovered a new inflated "hot Jupiter" exoplanet as part of the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS). The newfound alien world, designated NGTS-21b is about 30% larger and more than ...

NASA kicked asteroid off course in test to save Earth

NASA on Tuesday celebrated exceeding expectations during a mission to deflect a distant asteroid, in a sci-fi like test of humanity's ability to stop an incoming cosmic object from devastating life on Earth.

TESS discovers an old warm Jupiter-like exoplanet

Using the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), an international team of astronomers has detected a new old and warm Jupiter-like alien world orbiting a G-dwarf star. The newfound exoplanet, designated TOI-5542 b, ...

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