Astronomers discover a warm Jupiter-sized exoplanet

Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), an international team of astronomers has detected a new, warm Jupiter-sized exoplanet orbiting a dwarf star. The newfound alien world, designated TOI-4127 b, is more ...

The unexpected contribution of medieval monks to volcanology

By observing the night sky, medieval monks unwittingly recorded some of history's largest volcanic eruptions. An international team of researchers, led by the University of Geneva (UNIGE), drew on readings of 12th and 13th ...

Massive giant exoplanet discovered with TESS

Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), astronomers have detected a new exoplanet orbiting a distant star. The newfound alien world, designated TOI-4603 b is the size of Jupiter and about 13 times more ...

A surprisingly simple explanation for 'Oumuamua's weird orbit

In 2017, a mysterious comet dubbed 'Oumuamua fired the imaginations of scientists and the public alike. It was the first known visitor from outside our solar system, it had no bright coma or dust tail, like most comets, and ...

RNA molecule uracil found in asteroid Ryugu samples

Researchers have analyzed samples of the asteroid Ryugu collected by the Japanese Space Agency's Hayabusa2 spacecraft and found uracil, one of the informational units that make up RNA, the molecules that contain the instructions ...

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