Astronomers use AI to find elusive stars 'gobbling up' planets

Astronomers have recently found hundreds of "polluted" white dwarf stars in our home galaxy, the Milky Way. These are white dwarfs caught actively consuming planets in their orbit. They are a valuable resource for studying ...

Image: Saharan dust in the wind

The Suomi NPP satellite acquired this image of a plume of Saharan dust as winds lofted it over the Atlantic Ocean on Aug. 24, 2024.

What type of excavator is most suitable for asteroids?

Digging in the ground is so commonplace on Earth that we hardly ever think of it as hard. But doing so in space is an entirely different proposition. On some larger worlds, like the moon or Mars, it would be broadly similar ...

X-ray telescopes could also study exoplanets, say astronomers

Exoplanets are often discovered using the transit method (more than three-quarters of those discovered have been found this way.) The same transit technique can be used to study them, often revealing details about their atmosphere.

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