New photos show Jupiter's tiny moon Amalthea

It's tiny, but it's there. By now, we're all used to seeing amazing photos of Jupiter courtesy of NASA's Juno mission on a routine basis. Many of these are processed by volunteer "citizen scientists," and they show the swirling ...

Solar storm detected in deep sea observatories

The powerful solar storm driving the aurora borealis over global skies last weekend was also triggering the movement of compasses deep in the ocean, as revealed in new scientific findings shared today by Ocean Networks Canada ...

Video: SOHO's view of the 11 May 2024 solar storm

Over the weekend of 10–12 May 2024, Earth was struck by the largest solar storm in more than a decade. While many of us enjoyed colorful auroras lighting up Earth's protective atmosphere, spacecraft had to endure being ...

NASA's Juno provides high-definition views of Europa's icy shell

Images from the JunoCam visible-light camera aboard NASA's Juno spacecraft supports the theory that the icy crust at the north and south poles of Jupiter's moon Europa is not where it used to be. Another high-resolution picture ...

Saturn-sized exoplanet isn't losing mass quickly enough

We have discovered more than 5,000 planets around other star systems. Among the veritable cosmic menagerie of exoplanets, it seems there is a real shortage of Neptune-sized planets close to their star.

TRAPPIST-1 outer planets likely have water, research suggests

The TRAPPIST-1 solar system generated a swell of interest when it was observed several years ago. In 2016, astronomers using the Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST) at La Silla Observatory in Chile ...

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