How big is the universe?

Our brains struggle to comprehend how big the universe is because everything here on Earth, and even the Earth itself, is very small when compared to the immense scale of the universe.

Boy or girl? It's in the father's genes

( -- A Newcastle University study involving thousands of families is helping prospective parents work out whether they are likely to have sons or daughters.

Hubble directly observes the disc around a black hole

( -- Scientists have used the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope to observe a quasar accretion disc -- a glowing disc of matter that is slowly being sucked into its galaxy's central black hole. Their study makes ...

Toward tires that repair themselves

A cut or torn tire usually means one thing—you have to buy a new one. But some day, that could change. For the first time, scientists have made tire-grade rubber without the processing step—vulcanization—that has been ...

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