Is AI exacerbating disparities in education?

While much has been made of artificial intelligence's promise to improve educational opportunities and outcomes, a group of Stanford students is highlighting the importance of a different perspective on AI in education: It ...

Materials scientist describes new world order for glasses, liquids

In 1543, Copernicus pitched the heliocentric idea that the Earth orbited the sun. His theory took 150 years to catch on and more than 400 years for the Vatican to officially accept it. Likewise, distinguished materials scientist ...

An innovative system for seeing into the bowels of a volcano

A team of researchers from the CNRS and the Paris Institute of Planetary Physics has developed an innovative imaging method that can probe the bowels of a volcano with unparalleled resolution and depth. This new method is ...

Flushing rubbish down the toilet has impacts on nature

Sampling reveals that there is an incredible amount of rubbish lying on the seabed. This is because many people are still flushing all sorts of things down the toilet, believing that they will simply disappear. But, of course, ...

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