UN chief warns of 'rising tide of misery' from swelling seas

UN chief Antonio Guterres warned on Wednesday that surging sea levels are creating "a rising tide of misery," as a coalition of small island nations declared that their sovereignty must be respected even if their lands are ...

Revealing why so many people breach bail conditions

More than half of the detainees in Police Watch Houses are there because they have violated their bail conditions. A first of its kind study by Edith Cowan University (ECU) has provided insights into the key reasons for those ...

Naked mole-rat found to have lost infection-resistant proteins

Scientists have found that the naked mole-rat—an underground rodent that lives up to 40 years—has lost a number of CD1 functional genes. The CD1 gene family in mammals is responsible for protein synthesis that protects ...

Researchers determine female gibbons dance for attention

A trio of researchers, one a zoologist, another a primatologist and the third a linguistics professor, from Institut Jean Nicod, Heinrich Heine University and the University of Oslo, respectively, have discovered that female ...

Study inspects unusual behavior of an X-ray binary

Astronomers from the National Central University in Taiwan have investigated an unusual superorbital period variation of an X-ray binary known as 4U 1820-30. Results of the study, published September 13 on the preprint server ...

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