Will customers accept less meat in their cafeteria meals?

Meat consumption in industrial nations is much too high and this not only increases the risk of e.g. cardiovascular diseases. Increasing levels of animal husbandry also aggravate the global food problem because the cultivation ...

Which plant species will survive the global change challenge?

In a temperate montane forest in southern Québec, all is quiet. But if you dig a little deeper, you'll see the landscape has a story to tell. Waterloo plant ecologist Dr. Julie Messier, alongside her collaborators from Sherbrooke, ...

Projections show future droughts could be longer than expected

The average longest periods of drought could be ten days longer by the end of the century than previously predicted by climate models, according to research published in Nature. The findings suggest that the hazards droughts ...

How job-hopping managers undermine corporate culture

As most successful companies will know, building effective corporate culture is very rewarding, but also challenging. It requires senior managers to create shared values and embed those values in their decisions and interactions ...

Measuring moon dust to fight air pollution

Moon dust, or regolith, isn't like the particles on Earth that collect on bookshelves or tabletops—it's abrasive and it clings to everything. Throughout NASA's Apollo missions to the moon, regolith posed a challenge to ...

Reinventing the clock: NASA's new tech for space timekeeping

Here on Earth, it might not matter if your wristwatch runs a few seconds slow. But crucial spacecraft functions need accuracy down to one billionth of a second or less. Navigating with GPS, for example, relies on precise ...

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