Shallow waters make the best carbon sinks, researchers find

Marine phytoplankton take up atmospheric carbon and carry it to the seafloor when they die and sink (a process known as organic carbon sedimentation). This biological carbon pump is a powerful part of Earth's carbon cycle, ...

A roadmap for using viruses to enhance crop performance

Humans, livestock and companion animals benefit from virus-based vaccines and gene therapies, but crops do not. This paradox is highlighted by an international research group led by the Institute of Molecular and Cellular ...

Professor calls for national metrics to track prison violence

An article in The Criminologist, written by Nancy Rodriguez, University of California Irvine professor of criminology, law and society, shines a light on the lack of prison violence metrics that could help advance safety.

Boosting cannabis production: The science behind bud abundance

Cannabis sativa is highly valued for its cannabinoids, which are primarily produced in female inflorescences. However, the genetic control of inflorescence development remains largely unexplored, posing a significant challenge ...

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