Search results for speech technology

Plants & Animals Sep 3, 2019

Study shows Old World monkeys combine items in speech—but only two and never more, unlike humans

The utterances of Old World monkeys, some of our primate cousins, may be more sophisticated than previously realized—but even so, they display constraints that reinforce the singularity of human language, according to a ...

Plants & Animals Aug 19, 2019

Variation in the shape of speech organs influences language evolution

Why do languages sound so different when people across the world have roughly the same speech organs (mouth, lips, tongue and jaw)? Does the shape of our vocal tract explain some of the variation in speech sounds? In extreme ...

Computer Sciences Jun 30, 2017

New technique elucidates the inner workings of neural networks trained on visual data

Neural networks, which learn to perform computational tasks by analyzing large sets of training data, are responsible for today's best-performing artificial intelligence systems, from speech recognition systems, to automatic ...

General Physics Jan 31, 2017

Brain-computer interface could improve hearing aids

(—Researchers are working on the early stages of a brain-computer interface (BCI) that can tell who you're listening to in a room full of noise and other people talking. In the future, the technology could be incorporated ...

Archaeology Mar 9, 2016

Processing food before eating likely played key role in human evolution, study finds

How much time and effort do you spend chewing? Although you probably enjoy a few leisurely meals every day, chances are that you spend very little time and muscular effort chewing your food. That kind of easy eating is very ...

Computer Sciences Dec 7, 2015

What makes Tom Hanks look like Tom Hanks?

Tom Hanks has appeared in many acting roles over the years, playing young and old, smart and simple. Yet we always recognize him as Tom Hanks. Why? Is it his appearance? His mannerisms? The way he moves?

Computer Sciences Sep 14, 2015

System learns to distinguish words' phonetic components, without human annotation of training data

Every language has its own collection of phonemes, or the basic phonetic units from which spoken words are composed. Depending on how you count, English has somewhere between 35 and 45. Knowing a language's phonemes can make ...

Security Jul 29, 2015

Researchers mount successful attacks against Tor network—and show how to prevent them

With 2.5 million daily users, the Tor network is the world's most popular system for protecting Internet users' anonymity. For more than a decade, people living under repressive regimes have used Tor to conceal their Web-browsing ...

Computer Sciences Jun 11, 2015

40-year-old algorithm proven the best possible

Comparing the genomes of different species—or different members of the same species—is the basis of a great deal of modern biology. DNA sequences that are conserved across species are likely to be functionally important, ...

Computer Sciences Apr 13, 2015

Probabilistic programming does in 50 lines of code what used to take thousands

Most recent advances in artificial intelligence—such as mobile apps that convert speech to text—are the result of machine learning, in which computers are turned loose on huge data sets to look for patterns.

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