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Optics & Photonics Mar 23, 2024

Research team proposes a novel type of acoustic crystal with smooth, continuous changes in elastic properties

In dim light a cat sees much better than you do, as do dogs and nocturnal animals. That's because the structure of a cat's eye has a tapetum lucidum, a mirror-like layer immediately behind the retina. Light entering the eye ...

Oct 24, 2005

The car that makes its own fuel

A unique system that can produce Hydrogen inside a car using common metals such as Magnesium and Aluminum was developed by an Israeli company. The system solves all of the obstacles associated with the manufacturing, transporting ...

Earth Sciences Apr 2, 2024

Spain's giant hail event worsened by marine heat waves, study finds

Hail is a semi-frequent visitor to winter, and occasionally summer, seasons across the globe and tends to pass by in a short but sharp downpour that can often be overlooked. However, sometimes these meteorological phenomena ...

Astronomy Feb 27, 2024

Variable star V708 Car has an unusual chemical composition, study finds

An international team of astronomers has performed spectroscopic observations of a variable star known as V708 Car. Results of the observational campaign, reported in a paper published February 20 on the pre-print server ...

Materials Science Nov 25, 2021

'Super jelly' can survive being run over by a car

Researchers have developed a jelly-like material that can withstand the equivalent of an elephant standing on it, and completely recover to its original shape, even though it's 80% water.

Materials Science Nov 22, 2021

How sugar-loving microbes could help power future cars

It sounds like modern-day alchemy: Transforming sugar into hydrocarbons found in gasoline.

Materials Science Jun 9, 2021

Researchers develop tool to aid in development, efficiency of hydrogen-powered cars

Widespread adoption of hydrogen-powered vehicles over traditional electric vehicles requires fuel cells that can convert hydrogen and oxygen safely into water—a serious implementation problem.

Materials Science Jun 9, 2021

Key to carbon-free cars? Look to the stars

For nearly half a century, astrophysicists and organic chemists have been on the hunt for the origins of C6H6, the benzene ring—an elegant, hexagonal molecule comprised of 6 carbon and 6 hydrogen atoms.

Plants & Animals Oct 24, 2019

Rats trained to drive tiny cars find it relaxing, scientists report

Sometimes life really can be a rat race.

Nanomaterials Feb 21, 2019

More flexible nanomaterials can make fuel cell cars cheaper

A new method of increasing the reactivity of ultrathin nanosheets, just a few atoms thick, can someday make fuel cells for hydrogen cars cheaper, finds a new Johns Hopkins study.

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