See also stories tagged with Asteroid

Search results for asteroid

Evolution May 10, 2024

Why evolution often favors small animals and other organisms

Small really does seem to be beautiful in evolutionary terms. The largest dinosaurs, pterosaurs and mammals may look impressive but these giants are vastly outnumbered by microscopic bacteria and single-celled algae and fungi. ...

Planetary Sciences May 8, 2024

Exploring the asteroid Apophis with small satellites

The author of a disaster novel couldn't have dreamed it up any better: On a Friday, the thirteenth of all days, the potentially dangerous asteroid (99942) Apophis will come extremely close to humanity.

Space Exploration May 7, 2024

Video: Using a hopping robot for asteroid exploration

One day the SpaceHopper will be deployed on space missions to explore relatively small celestial bodies such as asteroids and moons. These are thought to contain valuable mineral resources that could be of use to humankind ...

Astronomy May 3, 2024

Hungry, hungry white dwarfs: Solving the puzzle of stellar metal pollution

Dead stars known as white dwarfs, have a mass like the sun while being similar in size to Earth. They are common in our galaxy, as 97% of stars will eventually become white dwarfs. As stars reach the end of their lives, their ...

Planetary Sciences May 3, 2024

Earth from space: Namibian landforms

This image may resemble the surface of Mars, but it was actually captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission, revealing the stunning terrain of northwest Namibia.

Space Exploration May 2, 2024

Pulsed plasma rocket (PPR): Shielded, fast transits for humans to Mars

The future of a space-faring civilization will depend on the ability to move both cargo and humans efficiently and rapidly. Due to the extremely large distances that are involved in space travel, the spacecraft must reach ...

Astronomy Apr 30, 2024

Novel calculations peg age of 'baby' asteroid

An asteroid dubbed "Lucy's baby" after a NASA spacecraft discovered it is orbiting another asteroid last November is,, in fact,, a solar system toddler—just 2–3 million years old, a Cornell-led research team estimates ...

Astronomy Apr 29, 2024

Neutron stars could be capturing primordial black holes

The Milky Way has a missing pulsar problem in its core. Astronomers have tried to explain this for years. One of the more interesting ideas comes from a team of astronomers in Europe and invokes dark matter, neutron stars, ...

Planetary Sciences Apr 29, 2024

Probing the effects of interplanetary space on asteroid Ryugu

Analyzing samples retrieved from the asteroid Ryugu by the Japanese Space Agency's Hayabusa2 spacecraft has revealed new insights into the magnetic and physical bombardment environment of interplanetary space. The results ...

Paleontology & Fossils Apr 29, 2024

T. rex not as smart as previously claimed, scientists find

An international team of scientists including two neurobiologists from the University of Alberta is weighing in on the latest controversy over the brain power of Tyrannosaurus rex.

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