See also stories tagged with Developmental psychology

Search results for development

Bio & Medicine 19 hours ago

Simulating blood flow dynamics for improved nanoparticle drug delivery

Despite gaining a bad rap in mainstream media in recent years, nanoparticles have been successfully used for decades in targeted drug delivery systems. Drug molecules can be encapsulated within biodegradable nanoparticles ...

Economics & Business 20 hours ago

Taxing shared micromobility: How cities are responding to emerging modes, and what's next

Shared micromobility (including shared electric scooters and bikes provided by private companies) is one of the newest transportation options that has come to cities in the last several decades. A new report explores the ...

Ecology 20 hours ago

Study reveals the microbes vital to a healthy Brisbane River

A unique method of monitoring river health has uncovered an army of tiny organisms fighting to protect the Brisbane River.

Social Sciences 20 hours ago

We date and marry people who are attractive as we are, new analysis finds

In good news for our egos, both men and women were pretty accurate at rating their own physical attractiveness, according to a new study. Couples also tended to be well-matched on their attractiveness, suggesting that we ...

Other 20 hours ago

Researchers propose a new, holistic way to teach synthetic biology

The field of synthetic biology, the science of manipulating biology, has a lot of "cooks in the kitchen," which has both helped it flourish and made it unusually difficult to create a cohesive, consistent curriculum for students ...

Plants & Animals 20 hours ago

Under pressure: How comb jellies have adapted to life at the bottom of the ocean

The bottom of the ocean is not hospitable. There is no light; the temperature is freezing cold; and the pressure of all the water above will literally crush you. The animals that live at this depth have developed biophysical ...

Molecular & Computational biology 20 hours ago

The worm has turned: DIY lab platform evaluates new molecules in minutes

Plants are powerhouses of molecular manufacturing. Over the eons, they have evolved to produce a plethora of small molecules—some are beneficial and valuable to humans, while others can be deadly. For years, a good way ...

Materials Science 20 hours ago

Researchers find flexible solution for separating gases

For a broad range of industries, separating gases is an important part of both process and product—from separating nitrogen and oxygen from air for medical purposes to separating carbon dioxide from other gases in the process ...

Materials Science 20 hours ago

Scientists use computational modeling to guide a difficult chemical synthesis

Researchers from MIT and the University of Michigan have discovered a new way to drive chemical reactions that could generate a wide variety of compounds with desirable pharmaceutical properties.

Earth Sciences 22 hours ago

Alphabet soup: NASA's GOLD mission finds surprising C, X shapes in atmosphere

Who knew Earth's upper atmosphere was like alphabet soup? NASA's Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission has revealed unexpected C- and X-shaped formations in an electrified layer of gas high above our ...

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