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Search results for hydrogels

Biochemistry Nov 1, 2023

Plastic-eating bacteria turn waste into useful starting materials for other products

Mountains of used plastic bottles get thrown away every day, but microbes could potentially tackle this problem. Now, researchers report in ACS Central Science that they've developed a plastic-eating E. coli that can efficiently ...

Nanomaterials Oct 27, 2023

Tiny brick-busting 'muscles' for miniature robotics are sourced from wood

Wood is the source for a brick-breaking mini robotic muscle material developed by researchers in Sweden and Germany. The material—a specially-developed hydrogel—can shape-shift, expand and contract on demand when controlled ...

Polymers Oct 23, 2023

Chemists, engineers craft adjustable arrays of microscopic lenses

They number in the thousands, light striking the phalanx of lenses arrayed on a face in geometric pattern, the beams refracting through transparent mounds no wider than a hair.

Biochemistry Oct 23, 2023

New lab-made substance mimics human tissue and could reduce/replace the use of animal-derived materials in research

Scientists at UNSW Sydney have created a new material that could change the way human tissue can be grown in the lab and used in medical procedures.

Nanomaterials Oct 23, 2023

Scientists demonstrate the transport of light cargo using tethered and untethered soft robots made from hydrogels

A team of University of Waterloo researchers has created smart, advanced materials that will be the building blocks for a future generation of soft medical microrobots. They published their results in Nature Communications. ...

Biochemistry Oct 20, 2023

Wobbly gel mat trains muscle cells to work together

There's no doubt that exercise does a body good, including strengthening and toning our muscles. But how exactly does exercise make this happen?

Cell & Microbiology Oct 18, 2023

Unlocking the secrets of cell behavior on soft substrates: A paradigm shift in mechanobiology

A research group from the University of Turku and Turku Bioscience Center together with Misvik Biology Ltd in Finland have developed a new method for studying how cancer cells function in softer and stiffer tissue environments. ...

Biotechnology Oct 17, 2023

Novel hydrogel finds new aptamers, or 'chemical antibodies,' in days

One double-helix strand of DNA could extend six feet, but it is so tightly coiled that it packs an entire sequence of nucleotides into the tiny nucleus of a cell. If that same DNA was instead split into two strands and divided ...

Biochemistry Oct 16, 2023

Mimicking a bird's sticky spit to create cellulose gels

Using a small bird's nest-making process as a model, researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a nontoxic process for making cellulose gels. The freeze-thaw process is simple, cost-effective, and can ...

Nanophysics Oct 11, 2023

Micro/nanoscale 4D printing revolution: Manufacturing high-resolution transformable 3D structures

Have you ever imaged high-resolution 3D structures at the micro/nanoscale that react dynamically to their surroundings? The 4D printing technology is changing the game by using smart materials that exhibit remarkable shape ...

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