Search results for wastewater treatment

Bio & Medicine May 15, 2018

Even low concentrations of silver can foil wastewater treatment

Research at Oregon State University has shed new light how an increasingly common consumer product component—silver nanoparticles—can potentially interfere with the treatment of wastewater.

Environment May 2, 2018

Harvesting health information from an unusual place: The wastewater treatment plant

Every day, people all over the world unwittingly release a flood of data on what drugs they are taking and what illnesses they are battling, simply by going to the bathroom and flushing. And according to an article in Chemical ...

Materials Science Apr 12, 2018

Faster, cheaper wastewater treatment through improved oxidation reactions

Researchers at the University of California, Riverside have discovered a method to dramatically improve the way pollutants are removed from wastewater using Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs).

Materials Science Apr 2, 2017

'Peeling the onion' to get rid of odors near wastewater treatment plants

Powerful nuisance odors from sewage and wastewater treatment facilities are a worldwide problem, but finding and eliminating the sources of such unpleasant aromas can be difficult. Scientists have compared the search to peeling ...

Engineering Jul 7, 2016

Energy saving filters for wastewater treatment

Scientists at Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) have invented a new type of nanofilter that could reduce the energy needed to treat wastewater by up to five times.

Energy & Green Tech Jan 29, 2016

Researchers to develop an urban wastewater treatment plant that can generate energy

Researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), headed by Julián Carrera, Maria Eugenia Suárez-Ojeda and Julio Pérez, will coordinate a project within the European Union's LIFE programme to explore the feasibility ...

Biotechnology Jun 5, 2015

Starved-out bacteria aid in wastewater treatment

Scientists have adapted a process normally used to make bioplastic, to remove carbon from wastewater, slashing the amount of energy needed for the treatment process.

Energy & Green Tech May 13, 2014

Success installing wastewater treatment plants on slaughterhouses

The wastewater with high organic content, such as the one discarded on slaughterhouses, can be cleaned of up to 96 percent of its pollutants thanks to technology developed by Mexican scientists, which also promotes the generation ...

Materials Science Apr 18, 2014

Researcher develops novel wastewater treatment fabric

Each year in India, waterborne diseases sicken approximately 37.7 million people. One and a half million children die of diarrhea alone, according to a report by WaterAid.

Biotechnology Feb 17, 2014

Wastewater treatment using microalgae enables phosphorous and nitrogen removal in darkness

Removal of nitrogen and phosphorous from urban waste waters using a simpler and more inexpensive system based on microalgae was the starting point of the research conducted by several UCA scientists of the TEP-181:Tecnología ...

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