See also stories tagged with Magnetic resonance imaging

Search results for MRI

Plants & Animals Jun 27, 2023

Dogs and humans shown to process body postures similarly in their brains

A study by researchers at the University of Vienna and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna shows that information from body postures plays a similarly important role for dogs as it does for humans. The results offer ...

Superconductivity Jun 22, 2023

Physicists discover a new switch for superconductivity

Under certain conditions—usually exceedingly cold ones—some materials shift their structure to unlock new, superconducting behavior. This structural shift is known as a "nematic transition," and physicists suspect that ...

Plants & Animals Jun 20, 2023

Cuttlefish brain atlas first of its kind

Anything with three hearts, blue blood and skin that can change colors like a display in Times Square is likely to turn heads. Meet Sepia bandensis, known more descriptively as the camouflaging dwarf cuttlefish.

Bio & Medicine Jun 19, 2023

Near-infrared persistent luminescence nanoprobe developed for ultrasensitive image-guided tumor resection

Medical imaging technology such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) and X-ray cannot provide real-time images during tumor resection surgery, and surgeons usually rely on visual cues, touch and experience ...

Analytical Chemistry Jun 14, 2023

Scientists create fluorogenic probe to detect enzyme linked to early stage of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease, a neurodegenerative disorder, results in memory loss and compromises cognitive abilities in many people beyond the age of 60. Currently used techniques to detect manifestations of the disease (MRI, PET, ...

Evolution Jun 13, 2023

First hominin muscle reconstruction shows 3.2 million-year-old 'Lucy' could stand as erect as we do

A Cambridge University researcher has digitally reconstructed the missing soft tissue of an early human ancestor—or hominin—for the first time, revealing a capability to stand as erect as we do today.

Bio & Medicine Jun 8, 2023

Nanomedicine: Using a patient's immune cells to prevent the spread of cancer

The fact that our immune systems capture and destroy nanoparticles and the drugs they carry has been a problem in the field of nanomedicine for some time. But, in the fight against cancer, researchers are now attempting to ...

Bio & Medicine May 29, 2023

Ingestible capsule to address GI tract diseases

Diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal tract diseases can be notoriously invasive and time-consuming: blood and stool lab work; biopsies, colonoscopies and endoscopies; and X-rays, CT scans and MRI imaging. But what if ...

Evolution May 26, 2023

Examining networks in the dog brain provides further insights into mammalian evolution

A study on canine brain networks reveals that during mammalian brain evolution, the role of the cingulate cortex, a bilateral structure located deep in the cerebral cortex, was partly taken over by the lateral frontal lobes, ...

Condensed Matter May 12, 2023

Researchers discover superconductive images are actually 3D and disorder-driven fractals

Meeting the world's energy demands is reaching a critical point. Powering the technological age has caused issues globally. It is increasingly important to create superconductors that can operate at ambient pressure and temperature. ...

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