See also stories tagged with Nuclear fusion

Search results for nuclear fusion

Space Exploration Oct 6, 2023

Magnetic fusion plasma engines could carry us across the solar system and into interstellar space

Missions to the moon, missions to Mars, robotic explorers to the outer solar system, a mission to the nearest star, and maybe even a spacecraft to catch up to interstellar objects passing through our system. If you think ...

Astrobiology Sep 26, 2023

Why build megastructures? Just move planets around to make habitable worlds

In 1960, Freeman Dyson proposed how advanced civilizations could create megastructures that enclosed their system, allowing them to harness all of their star's energy and multiplying the habitable space they could occupy. ...

Astronomy Sep 22, 2023

We can't see the first stars yet, but we can see their direct descendants

If you take a universe worth of hydrogen and helium, and let it stew for about 13 billion years, you get us. We are the descendants of the primeval elements. We are the cast-off dust of the first stars, and many generations ...

Astronomy Sep 14, 2023

Researchers investigate how carbon atoms might diffuse on interstellar ice grains

Uncovering the organic (carbon-based) chemistry in interstellar space is central to understanding the chemistry of the universe in addition to the origin of life on Earth and the possibilities for life elsewhere.

Plasma Physics Sep 1, 2023

Machine learning hunts for the right mix of hydrogen isotopes for future nuclear fusion power plants

The process that powers the stars—nuclear fusion—is proposed as a future power source for humanity and could provide clean and renewable energy free of the radioactive waste associated with current nuclear fission plants.

Plasma Physics Aug 17, 2023

Scientists discover shortcut that aids the design of twisty fusion facilities

Scientists have found a mathematical shortcut that could help harness fusion energy, a potential source of clean electricity that could mitigate floods, heat waves, and other rising effects of climate change. The method allows ...

General Physics Aug 7, 2023

Lab repeats nuclear fusion feat, with higher yield

US scientists responsible for a historic nuclear fusion breakthrough say they have repeated the feat—this time achieving a greater yield of energy.

Astrobiology Jul 31, 2023

If rogue planets are everywhere, how could we explore them?

At one time, astronomers believed that the planets formed in their current orbits, which remained stable over time. But more recent observations, theory, and calculations have shown that planetary systems are subject to shake-ups ...

Plasma Physics Jul 27, 2023

Predicting molecular rotational temperature for enhanced plasma recombination

Humans may never be able to tame the sun, but hydrogen plasma—making up most of the sun's interior—can be confined in a magnetic field as part of fusion power generation: with a caveat.

Condensed Matter Jul 21, 2023

Finding game-changing superconductors with machine learning tools

Superconductors—found in MRI machines, nuclear fusion reactors and magnetic-levitation trains—work by conducting electricity with no resistance at temperatures near absolute zero, or -459.67°F.

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