See also stories tagged with Nuclear fusion

Search results for nuclear fusion

Plasma Physics Nov 30, 2023

New study shows how universities are critical to emerging fusion industry

A new study suggests that universities have an essential role to fulfill in the continued growth and success of any modern high-tech industry, and especially the nascent fusion industry; however, the importance of that role ...

Astronomy Nov 9, 2023

Astronomers use Webb data to measure rapid increase in oxygen in the early universe

Using new data from the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have measured the abundance of oxygen in the early universe. The findings, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series and posted ...

Astronomy Nov 6, 2023

Searching for the supernova neutrino background to the universe

It's a sobering statement that stars like the sun, more accurately all stars will die eventually—yes, even the sun. Don't panic, though, we still have a good few billion years to go so you will get to the end of this article. ...

Astronomy Oct 27, 2023

Astronomers discover infant 'escaping star'

Stars escape from their birth place and eventually become dispersed across the galaxy. This is an important process in galactic evolution. Theoretical studies suggest two possible reasons why stars escape. First, stars may ...

Planetary Sciences Oct 24, 2023

Minerals in ancient meteorites offer insights into the origin of most of the Earth's surface

Dr. Alice Stephant, an astrophysicist, is helping to solve a longstanding mystery about water on Earth: where it came from.

Astronomy Oct 19, 2023

New observations confirm important step in star formation

New observations have confirmed a key step in the process of star formation: a rotating "cosmic wind" made of molecules, which is vitally important for collapsing gas clouds to contract sufficiently so as to form a hot, dense ...

Analytical Chemistry Oct 18, 2023

Only 1% of chemical compounds have been discovered—here's how we search for others that could change the world

The universe is flooded with billions of chemicals, each a tiny pinprick of potential. And we've only identified 1% of them. Scientists believe undiscovered chemical compounds could help remove greenhouse gases, or trigger ...

Astronomy Oct 17, 2023

Protostars can siphon material from far away, says study

When stars are born, they do it inside a molecular cloud. Astronomers long assumed that the "crèche" supplied all the nutrients that protostars needed to form. However, it turns out they get help from outside the nest.

Astronomy Oct 11, 2023

Central star in a planetary nebula reveals details of its life

Stars like our sun end their lives as white dwarfs. Some of them are surrounded by a planetary nebula consisting of gas ejected by the dying star shortly before its death. An international research team led by Professor Klaus ...

Astronomy Oct 10, 2023

NASA's Webb captures an ethereal view of NGC 346

Within a neighboring dwarf galaxy known as the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) lies a dramatic region of star birth—NGC 346, shown here. As the brightest and largest star-forming region in the SMC, it has been studied intensely ...

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