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Cell & Microbiology Oct 27, 2023

Intercellular messengers reveal themselves

The cells in our body continuously keep each other informed. They do this by exchanging, among other things, virus-like vesicles. Pascale Zimmermann's group, from the Department of Human Genetics, has been studying these ...

Cell & Microbiology Oct 24, 2023

How bacteria support wound healing

Although they were not recognized as agents of disease until the late 19th century, the detrimental effects of bacterial infections have been known to humans for thousands of years. Some have even become mythical—for example, ...

Biochemistry Oct 20, 2023

Broad-spectrum antiviral candidate targets dengue and SARS-CoV-2

A broad-spectrum antiviral drug candidate, 2-thiouridine, that targets positive-strand RNA viruses has been identified and characterized.

Molecular & Computational biology Oct 18, 2023

New method may accurately identify body fluids at crime scenes

Identifying different types of body fluids can help forensic experts reconstruct a crime scene, but it's difficult to do so. In a study published in Electrophoresis, researchers developed a method using two different types ...

Bio & Medicine Oct 16, 2023

Rational design of mRNA nanovaccine for cancer immunotherapy

Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines are revolutionizing the therapy of cancer. They can be flexibly developed in a short period of time, allowing transient expression of multiple antigens for safe and efficient immunization. A ...

Astronomy Oct 10, 2023

Source of electron acceleration and X-ray aurora of Mercury ̶ local chorus waves detected

Since Mercury is the closest planet to the sun among the solar system planets, it is strongly influenced by the solar wind, a high-speed (several hundred km/s) stream of plasma blowing from the sun. Explorations of Mercury ...

Cell & Microbiology Oct 10, 2023

Understanding drivers of egg cell development

Northwestern Medicine scientists have identified how cytoskeletal proteins contribute to the growth of developing eggs in fruit flies, findings that further the field's understanding of how egg cells form and differentiate ...

Planetary Sciences Oct 3, 2023

Mercury: Shrinking planet is still getting smaller, according to new research

Planetary scientists have long known that Mercury has been shrinking for billions of years. Despite being the closest planet to the sun, its interior has been cooling down as internal heat leaks away. This means that the ...

Cell & Microbiology Oct 2, 2023

Cell biologists identify new organelle present in mammalian cells made of rings of DNA

Researchers at ETH Zurich recently identified a previously unknown compartment in mammalian cells. They have named it the exclusome. It is made up of DNA rings known as plasmids. The researchers have published details of ...

Other Oct 2, 2023

Nobel prize goes to mRNA COVID vaccine researchers

Researchers Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman won the Nobel Medicine Prize on Monday for work on messenger RNA (mRNA) technology that paved the way for groundbreaking COVID-19 vaccines.

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