Search results for quantized conductance

Condensed Matter Jan 14, 2020

New classes of topological crystalline insulators having surface rotation anomaly

In a new report on Science Advances, Chen Fang and Liang Fu from the Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics in China, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences and the Department of Physics, Massachusetts ...

General Physics Jan 8, 2020

Intrinsic quantized anomalous Hall effect in a moiré heterostructure

The quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect can combine topology and magnetism to produce precisely quantized Hall resistance at zero magnetic field (an environment carefully screened from magnetic fields). In a recent report ...

General Physics Jan 3, 2020

The case of the elusive Majorana: The so-called 'angel particle' is still a mystery

A 2017 report of the discovery of a particular kind of Majorana fermion—the chiral Majorana fermion, referred to as the "angel particle"—is likely a false alarm, according to new research. Majorana fermions are enigmatic ...

Quantum Physics Dec 31, 2019

Nearly quantized conductance plateau of vortex mode in an iron-based superconductor

When a semiconducting nanowire is coupled to a superconductor, it can be tuned to topological quantum states thought to host localized quasiparticles known as Majorana Zero Modes (MZM). MZMs are their own antiparticles, with ...

Quantum Physics Dec 20, 2019

Scientists build an exceptional surface out of exceptional points

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory are exceptional in many respects. Working in collaboration with the Imperial College London, for example, they have conducted research on a phenomenon ...

Superconductivity Dec 9, 2019

Nanowire detects Abrikosov vortices

Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and the Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences have demonstrated the possibility of detecting ...

General Physics Nov 27, 2019

Natural van der Waals heterostructural single crystals with magnetic and topological properties

Heterostructures with magnetism and topology (geometry) are promising materials to realize exotic topological quantum states. However, such materials are challenging to engineer or synthesize. In a new report on Science Advances, ...

Quantum Physics Nov 11, 2019

A distinct spin on atomic transport

One of the more unexpected things that can be done with charge-neutral atoms is using them to emulate the fundamental behavior of electrons. Over the past few years, the group of Tilman Esslinger at the Institute of Quantum ...

General Physics Nov 8, 2019

New research synthesizes different aspects of causality in quantum field theory

In current quantum field theory, causality is typically defined by the vanishing of field commutators for spacelike separations. Two researchers at the University of Massachusetts and Universidade Federal Rural in Rio de ...

Superconductivity Oct 31, 2019

A theoretical explanation for an enhanced thermal Hall response in high-temperature superconductors

A few months ago, a team of researchers led by Louis Taillefer at the University of Sherbrooke measured the thermal Hall conductivity in several compounds of copper, oxygen and other elements that are also high-temperature ...

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