Search results for mentally demanding

Social Sciences Nov 22, 2023

Report: Female charity workers suffered high levels of stress during the pandemic and cost of living crisis

Female charity workers, who supported vulnerable women throughout and beyond the pandemic, experienced high levels of psychological distress, a new study has found.

Social Sciences Nov 22, 2023

New study on experience of adopted people as they become parents

Parenting is always challenging, but for adopted people becoming a mum or dad can be extra demanding, as well as extra special—according to research from the University of East Anglia.

Social Sciences Nov 20, 2023

More young people in the UK are living with parents and grandparents: Exploring the benefits and challenges

In a recent court case in Pavia, northern Italy, the judge sided with the complainant, a 75-year-old woman, and ordered her adult two sons to move out of her home. The woman's case was a last-ditch attempt to get the men ...

Social Sciences Nov 16, 2023

Interim housing isn't just a roof and four walls. Good design is key to getting people out of homelessness

State governments across the country have plans to increase social and affordable housing to address ballooning waitlists.

Political science Nov 15, 2023

Canadian cities continue to over-invest in policing, researcher says

Year-end debates about 2024 budgets have already begun across Canada, with cities like Waterloo and Ottawa proposing spikes in police budgets.

Social Sciences Nov 14, 2023

Study reveals unfair representation of migrant domestic workers in mistreatment cases in Chinese media

Most Chinese-language media reports concerning migrant domestic workers (MDW) in Hong Kong fail to report their mistreatment factually, independently and critically, and focus on news appeal while neglecting the deeper roots ...

Plants & Animals Nov 6, 2023

First interactive enrichment system for giraffes prototyped in Scottish zoo

Academics and zookeepers in Scotland have teamed up to tackle a tall order: designing the world's first interactive enrichment system for giraffes.

Education Oct 30, 2023

'Get back to school' headlines eroded teacher well-being during pandemic, research shows

Intense public pressure on teachers to "get back to school" during the COVID lockdowns deepened an already widespread sense that they were undervalued, and left some actively rethinking their careers, research from the universities ...

Social Sciences Oct 24, 2023

Greta Thunberg is far from the only neurodivergent climate activist

Amid her calls for governments to act on climate change, Swedish activist Greta Thunberg has spoken openly about her Asperger's syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder. She is not the only environmental campaigner to speak ...

Social Sciences Oct 18, 2023

Gaza conflict: How children's lives are affected on every level

Children living in Gaza have never known anything but overcrowding, shortages, conflict and danger.

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