Search results for bony armor

Plants & Animals Jul 2, 2015

Why the seahorse's tail is square

Why is the seahorse's tail square? An international team of researchers has found the answer and it could lead to building better robots and medical devices. In a nutshell, a tail made of square, overlapping segments makes ...

Archaeology Oct 14, 2014

Dinosaur breathing study shows that noses enhanced smelling and cooled brain

It's been millions of years since T. rex took its last breath, but a team led by Ohio University scientists is breathing life back into dinosaurs using high-powered computer simulations to model airflow through dinosaur snouts. ...

Archaeology Oct 16, 2013

Sinking teeth into the evolutionary origin of our skeleton

Did our skeletons evolve for protection or for violence? The earliest vestiges of our skeleton are encountered in 500 million-year-old fossil fishes, some of which were armor-plated filter feeders, while others were naked ...

Plants & Animals Jul 22, 2013

From obscurity to dominance: Tracking the rapid evolutionary rise of ray-finned fish

Mass extinctions, like lotteries, result in a multitude of losers and a few lucky winners. This is the story of one of the winners, a small, shell-crushing predatory fish called Fouldenia, which first appears in the fossil ...

Plants & Animals Jul 1, 2013

Supersense: It's a snap for crocs

Previously misunderstood multi-sensory organs in the skin of crocodylians are sensitive to touch, heat, cold, and the chemicals in their environment, finds research in BioMed Central's open access journal EvoDevo. These sensors ...

Archaeology Jun 24, 2013

Bumpy beast was a desert dweller

During the Permian era, the Earth was dominated by a single supercontinent called Pangea – "All-Earth". Animal and plant life dispersed broadly across this land, as documented by identical fossil species found on multiple ...

Materials Science May 1, 2013

Seahorse's armor gives engineers insight into robotics designs (w/ video)

( —The tail of a seahorse can be compressed to about half its size before permanent damage occurs, engineers at the University of California, San Diego, have found. The tail's exceptional flexibility is due to ...

Archaeology Mar 27, 2013

Dusting for prints from a fossil fish to understand evolutionary change

In 370 million-year-old red sandstone deposits in a highway roadcut, scientists have discovered a new species of armored fish in north central Pennsylvania.

Materials Science Feb 14, 2013

Tough, light and strong: Lessons from nature could lead to the creation of new materials

In a sweeping review of the field of bio-inspired engineering and biomimicry in the Feb. 15 issue of the journal Science, two engineers at the University of California, San Diego, identify three characteristics of biological ...

Archaeology Jan 29, 2013

Fossil remains in museum found to be 165 million year old marine super-predator

(—Researchers examining a fossil specimen discovered in a museum storage bin have found it to be the remains of a super-predator that lived during the Jurassic Period, around 165 million years ago. They describe ...

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