Search results for bony armor

Archaeology Oct 11, 2016

New, gigantic, ancient armored fish discovered

We've all seen "Jurassic Park." We all know T. rex. But what about B. rex?

Ecology Oct 7, 2016

How scientists use DNA to spy on whales and find 'extinct' fish

In 2014, when Mariah Pfleger volunteered to sift through water samples from Alabama's Mobile River Basin, she wasn't expecting to solve one of biology's most frustrating missing fishes cases.

Plants & Animals Jul 20, 2016

Professor digitizing every fish species in the world

Nearly 25,000 species of fish live on our planet, and a University of Washington professor wants to scan and digitize them all.

Archaeology May 24, 2016

Early armored dino from Texas lacked cousin's club-tail weapon, but had a nose for danger

Pawpawsaurus's hearing wasn't keen, and it lacked the infamous tail club of Ankylosaurus. But first-ever CT scans of Pawpawsaurus's skull indicate the dino's saving grace from predators may have been an acute sense of smell.

Biotechnology Mar 7, 2016

Zebrafish and humans have new biomedical friend in the spotted gar

The genome of a slowly evolving fish, the spotted gar, is so much like both zebrafish and humans that it can be used as a bridge species that could open a pathway to important advancements in biomedical research focused on ...

Biotechnology Jan 7, 2016

Tweak in gene expression may have helped humans walk upright, researchers say

Consider the engineering marvel that is your foot. Be it hairy or homely, without its solid support you'd be hard-pressed to walk or jump normally.

Plants & Animals Dec 17, 2015

102 new species described by the California Academy of Sciences in 2015

In 2015, researchers at the California Academy of Sciences added 102 new plant and animal species to our family tree, enriching our understanding of Earth's complex web of life and strengthening our ability to make informed ...

Archaeology Oct 21, 2015

76-million-year-old extinct species of pig-snouted turtle unearthed in Utah

In the 250-million-year evolutionary history of turtles, scientists have seen nothing like the pig nose of a new species of extinct turtle discovered in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument by a team from the Natural ...

Archaeology Sep 17, 2015

Pre-reptile may be earliest known to walk upright on all fours

A newly published analysis of the bones of Bunostegos akokanensis, a 260-million-year-old pre-reptile, finds that it likely stood upright on all-fours, like a cow or a hippo, making it the earliest known creature to do so.

Paleontology & Fossils Jul 13, 2015

New fossils show ancient comb jellies had skeleton parts

(—A team of researchers with members from several institutions in China and one in the U.S. has found evidence that shows that ancient comb jellies had skeleton parts. In their paper published in the journal Science ...

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