See also stories tagged with Motorola

Search results for Motorola

Business Jan 13, 2016

Motorola brought us the mobile phone, but ended up merged out of existence

If you own a mobile phone, chances are that it isn't made by Motorola. But it was not always this way: Motorola was once the brand most associated with the mobile phone, and the firm whose products first popularised them. ...

Consumer & Gadgets Jan 8, 2016

From the high-flying to the practical: CES 2016 in brief

This year's CES gadget show, like ones before it, showed off a mix of the dreamy and the practical in technology. Gadget prototypes promised us fully autonomous vehicles carrying commuters on the streets and in the sky, while ...

Consumer & Gadgets Jan 7, 2016

The latest in gadgets: Google, Lenovo to sell 3-D eyed phone (Update 5)

The latest developments surrounding the consumer-electronics show in Las Vegas known as CES (all times local):

Business Nov 12, 2015

China's Lenovo reports Q2 loss following cuts (Update)

Chinese technology giant Lenovo said Thursday it saw a loss for the second quarter following a restructuring plan, despite stronger sales in its mobile business.

Consumer & Gadgets Nov 6, 2015

Review: Three Android phones that offer something different

New Android phones appear with regularity, but far too few of them really seem ... new.

Consumer & Gadgets Oct 13, 2015

Dog smartphone and dancing humanoids on show at HK Fair

From a camera-enabled collar dubbed the "smartphone" for dogs to a calorie-counting "smart cup", health and lifestyle technology is at the forefront of what's on show at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair this week.

Business Oct 12, 2015

Big technology deals don't always compute for buyers

Dell's proposed $67 billion acquisition of data storage company EMC is the most expensive ever done involving two technology companies. Many of the tech industry's other notable deals haven't panned out as well as the buyers ...

Computer Sciences Oct 5, 2015

Engineer and vision scientist nets Emmy for tool to predict perceived video quality

Sometimes it's not so much what you see as what you don't see that matters.

Business Oct 1, 2015

China's Huawei rides Google coattails into new markets

With a partnership to make one of Google's flagship Nexus smartphones, Chinese tech giant Huawei is gaining new prominence which could help its efforts to win broader global consumer appeal.

Business Oct 1, 2015

Microsoft and Google call truce in patent wars

Technology titans Microsoft and Google on Wednesday announced that they have agreed to end all patent infringement litigation against each other.

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