Search results for 4-D polymers

Materials Science Jun 9, 2020

Lab makes 4-D printing more practical

Soft robots and biomedical implants that reconfigure themselves upon demand are closer to reality with a new way to print shapeshifting materials.

Economics & Business Jun 4, 2020

Could manufacturing aid Australia's economic recovery?

Following a federal government call for the reignition of domestic industrial activity, University of Sydney experts comment on the role of advanced manufacturing and boosting the digital workforce in Australia's post-coronavirus ...

Biochemistry May 26, 2020

3-D printed egg whites outperform existing flexible electronics materials

Devices flexible enough to be worn in comfort, sensitive enough to measure a pulse and transparent and thus barely noticeable are an attractive prospect for a range of applications from monitoring biometrics to hands-free ...

Biotechnology May 8, 2020

Stretched beyond the limits: Examining collagen for clues to inflammatory disorders

It has been known for many decades that synthetic polymers subjected to mechanical stress generate mechanoradicals by rupture of chemical bonds. But could those harmful and highly reactive radicals also form in our tissues ...

Nanophysics May 1, 2020

Twisting 2-D materials uncover their superpowers

Two-dimensional (2-D) materials, which consist of a single layer of atoms, have attracted a lot of attention since the isolation of graphene in 2004. They have unique electrical, optical, and mechanical properties, like high ...

Materials Science Apr 9, 2020

3-D-printed corals could improve bioenergy and help coral reefs

Researchers from Cambridge University and University of California San Diego have 3-D printed coral-inspired structures that are capable of growing dense populations of microscopic algae. Their results, reported in the journal ...

Materials Science Mar 19, 2020

Scientists transform ultra-tough pollen into flexible material

Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have found a way to turn pollen, one of the hardest materials in the plant kingdom, into a soft and flexible material, with the potential to serve ...

Environment Mar 13, 2020

Recycling in the US is broken. How do we fix it?

Recycling in the U.S. is broken. In 1960, Americans generated 2.68 pounds of garbage per day; by 2017, it had grown to an average of 4.51 pounds. And while many Americans dutifully put items into their recycling bins, much ...

Evolution Mar 12, 2020

Metabolic fossils from the origin of life

Life converts food into cells via dense networks involving thousands of reactions. New research uncovers insights as to how such networks could have arisen from scratch at life's origin. An international team of researchers ...

Biochemistry Mar 12, 2020

Plastic that saves the planet? Startup's novel resin helps industry go green

Nuha Siddiqui was browsing a World Economic Forum report on the future of the plastics industry when she came across an ominous prediction. "It stated that by 2050, there would be more plastic than fish in the ocean," Siddiqui ...

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