See also stories tagged with Methane

Search results for methane

Environment Jun 6, 2024

Opinion: Yes, carbon capture and storage is controversial—but it's going to be crucial

Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are vital tools to help us make cuts to the 36 billion tons of greenhouse gases we emit each year.

Earth Sciences Jul 25, 2024

Scientists identify Great Salt Lake as a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions

Research by Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) examining greenhouse gas emissions from the drying lake bed of Great Salt Lake, Utah, calculates that 4.1 million tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases were released in 2020. ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 24, 2024

Scientists publish first experimental evidence for new groups of methane-producing organisms

A team of scientists from Montana State University has provided the first experimental evidence that two new groups of microbes thriving in thermal features in Yellowstone National Park produce methane—a discovery that ...

Earth Sciences Jul 22, 2024

Microbes likely form magnetite in the South China Sea

Magnetite, the most magnetic mineral on Earth, is increasingly being found in seafloor environments that are rich in iron and have high methane flux. But how it forms in such settings—whether by microbes that thrive near ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 22, 2024

Understanding how a red seaweed reduces methane emissions from cows

Methane is the second-largest contributor to climate warming after carbon dioxide, and so scientists have put a lot of attention toward addressing one of the top sources: methane emissions from livestock. In other words, ...

Earth Sciences Jul 12, 2024

Melting high-mountain glaciers would release greenhouse gases into atmosphere, suggest scientists

The retreat of high mountain glaciers has accelerated since the 1980s, resulting in increased glacier runoff. However, it remains uncertain whether melting mountain glaciers enhance or release greenhouse gases, and whether ...

Environment Jul 12, 2024

Methane flux in North Sea varies with tides, study shows

Methane, a strong greenhouse gas that naturally escapes from the bottom of the North Sea, is affected by the pressure of high or low tide. Methane emissions from the sea floor can be just easily three times as much or as ...

Materials Science Jul 4, 2024

Using copper to convert CO₂ to methane could be game changer in mitigating climate change

Carbon in the atmosphere is a major driver of climate change. Now researchers from McGill University have designed a new catalyst for converting carbon dioxide (CO2) into methane—a cleaner source of energy—using tiny ...

Earth Sciences Jun 28, 2024

Investigating newly discovered hydrothermal vents at depths of 3,000 meters off Svalbard

Hydrothermal vents can be found around the world at the junctions of drifting tectonic plates. But there are many hydrothermal fields still to be discovered. During a 2022 expedition of the MARIA S. MERIAN, the first field ...

Environment Jun 19, 2024

Much of the Nord Stream gas remained in the sea after 2022 explosion, finds study

Much of the methane released into the southern Baltic Sea from the Nord Stream gas pipeline has remained in the water. This is shown by measurements taken by researchers from the University of Gothenburg.

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