See also stories tagged with Microscope

Search results for microscope

Plants & Animals Jun 26, 2024

What happens during the first moments of butterfly scale formation

A butterfly's wing is covered in hundreds of thousands of tiny scales like miniature shingles on a paper-thin roof. A single scale is as small as a speck of dust, yet surprisingly complex, with a corrugated surface of ridges ...

Nanomaterials Jun 26, 2024

New insights into mechanical weakness of twisted carbon nanotube yarns

Aside from being an essential building block for life, carbon is being actively researched due to its versatility as an engineering material. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), in particular, have demonstrated tremendous potential ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 26, 2024

Zebrafish reveal how bioelectricity shapes muscle development

A question left unanswered in a biologist's lab notebook for 40 years has finally been explained, thanks to a little fish that couldn't wriggle its tail.

Plants & Animals Jun 26, 2024

Calculating injury risk for fruit flies by counting wounds in the wild

A small team of biologists from Freie Universität Berlin and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, both in Germany, has calculated the degree of risk faced by wild fruit flies by capturing more than 10,000 of them ...

Materials Science Jun 25, 2024

Not all calcite crystals perfect; synthesis methods can alter internal structure, affect chemical reactivity

When looking at calcite under a microscope, a scientist would immediately recognize the crystalline form of calcium carbonate by its rhombohedral appearance. That is, calcite is shaped like a distorted cube. One of Earth's ...

Analytical Chemistry Jun 25, 2024

Researchers identify a cheaper, more convenient method to detect asbestos

For decades, a laboratory procedure known as transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used to test for asbestos in samples taken at construction sites.

Quantum Physics Jun 25, 2024

Quantum annealer improves understanding of quantum many-body systems

Physicists have long been pursuing the idea of simulating quantum particles with a computer that is itself made up of quantum particles. This is exactly what scientists at Forschungszentrum Jülich have done together with ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 25, 2024

Researchers move floating objects with soundwaves

EPFL researchers have succeeded in directing floating objects around an aquatic obstacle course using only soundwaves. Their novel, optics-inspired method holds great promise for biomedical applications such as noninvasive ...

Nanomaterials Jun 25, 2024

New study unveils formation secrets of tiny rare earth elements

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin's School of Natural Sciences have revealed a novel route to the formation of bastnäsite, a crucial mineral for the extraction of rare earth elements (REEs). Their work offers promise ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 25, 2024

New paradigm in photothermal therapy: Researchers develop ultrasound-assisted photothermal therapy technology

Professor Jin-ho Chang's research team from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at DGIST has developed "Ultrasound-assisted photothermal therapy (ULTRA-PTT)" technology that significantly enhances ...

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