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Search results for Microbiology

Ecology May 28, 2024

New research shows soil microorganisms could produce additional greenhouse gas emissions from thawing permafrost

As the planet has warmed, scientists have long been concerned about the potential for harmful greenhouse gases to seep out of thawing Arctic permafrost. Recent estimates suggest that by 2100 the amount of carbon dioxide and ...

Biotechnology May 25, 2024

You leave a 'microbe fingerprint' on every piece of clothing you wear—and it could help forensic scientists solve crimes

When you think of a criminal investigation, you might picture detectives meticulously collecting and analyzing evidence found at the scene: weapons, biological fluids, footprints and fingerprints. However, this is just the ...

Cell & Microbiology May 23, 2024

Germ-free animal models reveal gut bacteria's role in health

Once considered a minor component of the digestive system, the gut microbiota has now been recognized as a critical player in overall human health. This revelation was first highlighted by scientist Elie Metchnikov in the ...

Cell & Microbiology May 23, 2024

Study sheds light on how antibiotic 'Velcro' kills bacteria

A small antibiotic called plectasin uses an innovative mechanism to kill bacteria. By assembling into large structures, plectasin latches onto its target on the bacterial cell surface, similar to how both sides of Velcro ...

Cell & Microbiology May 22, 2024

A merger of microbes: Study shows low-nutrient conditions alter viral infection

This much we know: When viruses infect bacteria—a common occurrence in oceans, soils, even human guts—the interaction results in the creation of entirely new organisms called "virocells." But scientists are still learning ...

Cell & Microbiology May 22, 2024

Uncovering new details on antibiotic resistance from 1940s milk samples

Sometime in the 1940s or so, someone in what is now the Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science got a lyophilizer, a piece of equipment that freeze-dries samples, says Director of the Connecticut Veterinary Medical ...

Cell & Microbiology May 22, 2024

Farm wastewater modeling shows footbaths are source of antimicrobial resistance

New research has mapped wastewater flows on farms and revealed where spikes in antibiotic resistant bacteria in slurry occur, showing that water from copper and zinc footbaths used by dairy animals can cause fluctuations.

Evolution May 22, 2024

Exploring diversity in cell division: Study investigates the process of evolution that supports diverse life cycles

New research by EMBL scientists shows how different modes of cell division used by animals and fungi might have evolved to support diverse life cycles.

Cell & Microbiology May 21, 2024

Lab sequences rabies in infected black bear

The Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (CVMDL) located within UConn's College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR) has sequenced a case of rabies from a black bear found in the state.

Ecology May 17, 2024

'Zombie cells' in the sea: Viruses keep the most common marine bacteria in check

Marine microbes control the flux of matter and energy essential for life in the oceans. Among them, the bacterial group SAR11 accounts for about a third of all the bacteria found in surface ocean waters.

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