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Search results for Titan

Molecular & Computational biology Jan 8, 2024

Molecular dynamics database offers improved understanding of COVID-19 proteins

Designed to meet the urgent need for insights into the molecular intricacies of SARS-CoV-2 infection, BioExcel-CV19 is a repository for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.

Planetary Sciences Jan 5, 2024

Titan's 'magic islands' are likely to be honeycombed hydrocarbon icebergs, finds study

Titan's "magic islands" are likely floating chunks of porous, frozen organic solids, a new study finds, pivoting from previous work suggesting they were gas bubbles. The study was published in Geophysical Research Letters.

Planetary Sciences Dec 18, 2023

Weather in the solar system can teach us about weather on exoplanets

The way astronomers study planets in our own solar system is surprisingly similar to the way they study exoplanets, despite the latter being orders of magnitude more distant. The key is spectroscopy—examining the wavelengths ...

Plants & Animals Dec 17, 2023

Native oysters return to Belfast after a century's absence

Long gone from Belfast's famed harbor where the Titanic was built, oysters are making a comeback thanks to a nursery installation project aimed at boosting marine life and water quality.

Environment Dec 13, 2023

Hard-fought COP28 agreement suggests the days of fossil fuels are numbered—but climate catastrophe is not yet averted

As negotiators stagger towards their beds in Dubai and another year's climate talks come to a close, it's time to take stock. Did COP28 achieve the big breakthrough the world needs on climate change?

Astronomy Dec 1, 2023

Could life exist in molecular clouds?

Our search for life beyond Earth is still in its infancy. We're focused on Mars and, to a lesser extent, ocean moons like Jupiter's Europa and Saturn's Enceladus. Should we extend our search to cover more unlikely places ...

Nanophysics Nov 30, 2023

A theoretical approach to ferroelectricity in hafnia-related materials

Hafnia ferroelectrics are based on their technical promise and remarkable behaviors, where the peculiarities stem from an active extrinsic mechanism that contributes to their properties from a growing number of new intrinsic ...

Space Exploration Nov 28, 2023

Aerocapture is a 'free lunch' in space exploration

When spacecraft return to Earth, they don't need to shed all their velocity by firing retro-rockets. Instead, they use the atmosphere as a brake to slow down for a soft landing. Every planet in the solar system except Mercury ...

Planetary Sciences Nov 7, 2023

Studies of geologic faulting on icy moons aid exploration of extraterrestrial watery worlds

On the surface of many of the icy moons in our solar system, scientists have documented strike-slip faults, those that occur when fault walls move past one another sideways, as is the case at the San Andreas fault in California. ...

Space Exploration Oct 10, 2023

Want to explore Neptune? Use Triton's atmosphere to put on the brakes

Aerobraking is commonly used to slow down spacecraft when they arrive at various planetary systems. It requires a spacecraft to dip into the atmosphere of a celestial body in the planetary system, such as a moon or the planet ...

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