Search results for phd program

Robotics Apr 25, 2018

New robot for skull base surgery alleviates surgeon's workload

Drilling out a hole in the skull base requires great precision and often takes many hours, a demanding procedure for a surgeon. Researchers from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) have developed a surgical robot to ...

Environment Apr 19, 2018

Deepwater horizon—the lasting impact of America's largest oil spill

On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil platform operated by BP, was disconnecting from a recently discovered oil reservoir 50 miles south of Louisiana when a cascade of equipment malfunctions caused a high-pressure ...

Biotechnology Apr 13, 2018

Breakthrough brings gene-editing medicine one step closer to patient applications

Imagine a future where a guided biomachine put into your body seeks out defective gene sequences in each cell and edits in the correct information with precision accuracy.

Cell & Microbiology Apr 12, 2018

Deep learning: A superhuman way to look at cells

It's harder than you might think to look at a microscope image of an untreated cell and identify its features. To make cell characteristics visible to the human eye, scientists normally have to use chemicals that can kill ...

Environment Apr 11, 2018

Mississippi River diversions will produce new land, but slowly, study says

Although river diversions that bring land building sediment to shrinking coastlands are the best solution to sustaining portions of the Mississippi Delta, a new Tulane University study concludes that the rate of land building ...

Biotechnology Apr 11, 2018

New bioinformatics tool identifies and classifies CRISPR-Cas systems

Designed to improve the utility and availability of increasingly diverse CRISPR-Cas genome editing systems, the new CRISPRdisco automated pipeline helps researchers identify CRISPR repeats and cas genes in genome assemblies. ...

Plants & Animals Apr 5, 2018

Freezing breakthrough offers hope for African wild dogs

James Cook University researchers in Australia have helped develop a new way to save endangered African wild dogs.

Cell & Microbiology Apr 4, 2018

How genes shape behavior

Some species of roundworms are just one millimeter long. Their brains have only 302 neurons, compared to our own 86 billion, and lack any recognizable breathing system. They share only 35 percent of their DNA with human beings.

Space Exploration Apr 3, 2018

Researchers use supercomputers to estimate radiation risks for low Earth orbits

Alongside the well-known hazards of space—freezing temperatures, crushing pressures, isolation—astronauts also face risks from radiation, which can cause illness or injure organs.

Computer Sciences Mar 21, 2018

New artificial intelligence technique dramatically improves the quality of medical imaging

A radiologist's ability to make accurate diagnoses from high-quality diagnostic imaging studies directly impacts patient outcome. However, acquiring sufficient data to generate the best quality imaging comes at a cost - increased ...

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