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Search results for quantum cryptography

Optics & Photonics Jan 4, 2023

A better photon detector to advance quantum technology

A team of researchers has developed an on-chip photon-counting device that could significantly advance numerous applications of quantum technology.

Mathematics Nov 23, 2022

Mathematical theorem used to crack US government encryption algorithm

In the digital era and moving towards quantum computing, protecting data against hack attacks is one of our biggest challenges—and one that experts, governments, and industries worldwide work hard to address. While this ...

Quantum Physics Nov 21, 2022

Microlaser chip adds new dimensions to quantum communication

Researchers at Penn Engineering have created a chip that outstrips the security and robustness of existing quantum communications hardware. Their technology communicates in "qudits," doubling the quantum information space ...

Optics & Photonics Nov 18, 2022

A new optical inversion strategy for unscrambling light propagation through multimode optical fibers

Multimode optical fibers (MMFs) are hair-thin strands of glass that are ubiquitous in light-guiding applications. Their development has gone hand-in-hand with the huge growth in rapid transmission of information across the ...

Optics & Photonics Nov 7, 2022

Erbium atoms in silicon: A prime candidate for quantum networks

A team of researchers at the MPQ has pioneered the integration of erbium atoms with special optical properties into a silicon crystal. The atoms can thus be connected by light at a wavelength that is commonly used in telecommunications. ...

Quantum Physics Nov 1, 2022

What quantum technology means for Canada's future

Canada is a world leader in developing quantum technologies and is well-positioned to secure its place in the emerging quantum industry.

General Physics Oct 4, 2022

The Nobel winners who helped prove quantum 'spooky action'

Physicists Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger developed experimental tools that helped prove quantum entanglement—a phenomenon Albert Einstein famously dismissed as "spooky action at a distance"—is real, paving ...

Quantum Physics Sep 27, 2022

Quantum effects in memristive devices

At the nanoscale, the laws of classical physics suddenly become inadequate to explain the behavior of matter. It is precisely at this juncture that quantum theory comes into play, effectively describing the physical phenomena ...

Mathematics Sep 22, 2022

Q&A: Algorithm to serve as cryptography standard for quantum computing era

Mathematicians often toil in obscurity, and that's likely because few people, apart from fellow mathematicians who share the same sub-specialty, understand what they do. Even when algorithms have practical applications, like ...

Quantum Physics Sep 20, 2022

Proving that quantum entanglement is real: Researcher answers questions about his historical experiments

In the 1930's when scientists, including Albert Einstein and Erwin Schrödinger, first discovered the phenomenon of entanglement, they were perplexed. Entanglement, disturbingly, required two separated particles to remain ...

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