Search results for microscopic roundworms

Biochemistry Jul 6, 2018

Research team reconstructs motor-cargo complex for ciliary transport

Every living organism expresses fine cellular protrusions known as cilia. Flagellates need them to move, roundworms to find food, and sperm to move towards the egg. Cilia form fine protective hairs in the lungs and play a ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 19, 2018

Tiny jumping roundworm undergoes unusual sexual development

Nematodes may be among the simplest animals, but scientists can't get enough of the microscopic roundworms. They have mapped the entire genome ofC. elegans, the "lab rat" of nematodes, and have characterized nearly every ...

Cell & Microbiology Feb 16, 2018

Scientists shed light on biological roots of individuality

Put 50 newborn worms in 50 separate containers, and they'll all start looking for food at roughly the same time. Like members of other species, microscopic C. elegans roundworms tend to act like other individuals their own ...

Biotechnology Jul 27, 2017

Secrets of the amazing tardigrades revealed by their DNA

New genome sequences shed light on both the origins of the tardigrades (also known as water bears or moss piglets), and the genes that underlie their extraordinary ability to survive in extreme conditions. A team of researchers ...

Engineering Jul 18, 2017

Making lab equipment on the cheap

Laboratory equipment is one of the largest cost factors in neuroscience. However, many experiments can be performed with good results using self-assembled setups involving 3-D printed components and self-programmed electronics. ...

Materials Science Jun 26, 2017

Detecting diluteness: New experimental and theoretical approaches 'dive into the pool' of membranes organelles

Inside each and every living cell, there are miniscule structures called membraneless organelles. These tiny powerhouses use chemistry to cue the inner workings of a cell—movement, division and even self-destruction.

Cell & Microbiology Jun 5, 2017

Research in bloodless worms reveals how organs communicate status of life-giving heme

Scientists at the University of Maryland and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have identified for the first time a signaling system by which organs within an animal can communicate their need for heme, an iron-containing ...

Cell & Microbiology May 22, 2017

Calcium dynamics regulating the timing of decision-making in C. elegans

All animals make decisions according to information, but the detailed mechanism is not known. The researchers found that, a tiny worm chooses the direction in an odor space by mathematically integrating the information of ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 24, 2017

Examining the role of the microbiome in the effectiveness of colorectal cancer treatment

The bacteria residing in your digestive tract, or your gut microbiota, may play an important role in your ability to respond to chemotherapy drugs in the clinic, according to a new study by scientists at the University of ...

Ecology Apr 4, 2017

Outbreak: Orangutan's mysterious death points to threat of diseases that jump to humans

On a frigid night a few days after Christmas 2012, Trish Khan drove back to the Milwaukee County Zoo to check on the star attraction, a playful, wildly popular 5-year-old orangutan named Mahal. It was almost 11 p.m.

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