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Search results for meteorite

Space Exploration Nov 13, 2023

AI chemist synthesizes catalyst for oxygen production from Martian meteorites: One step closer to Mars immigration?

Immigration to and living on Mars have long been depicted in science fiction. But before that dream turns into reality, there is a hurdle humans have to overcome—the lack of chemicals such as oxygen essential for long-term ...

Space Exploration Nov 1, 2023

OSIRIS-REx flies on as OSIRIS-APEX to explore its second asteroid

After seven years in space and over 4 billion miles traveled, NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission successfully collected and delivered the first U.S. sample from a near-Earth asteroid. Yet, after all this time and travel, the spacecraft ...

Astrobiology Oct 31, 2023

Mining asteroids: A new method to extract metals from asteroids

Extraterrestrial mining and metal processing are key strategies for space exploration. In a new study in Scientific Reports, Rodolfo Marin Rivera, and a team of scientists in materials science, conducted catalytic dissolution ...

Planetary Sciences Oct 30, 2023

Most Martian meteorites are curiously young in age

Earth is occasionally hit by little pieces of Mars. These bits of Martian rock are incredibly rare, but can tell us a lot about the geological history of the red planet. One of the biggest issues for scientists studying these ...

Astronomy Oct 26, 2023

After DART smashed into Dimorphous, what happened to the larger asteroid Didymos?

NASA's DART mission (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) slammed into asteroid Dimorphos in September 2022, changing its orbital period. Ground and space-based telescopes turned to watch the event unfold, not only to study ...

Planetary Sciences Oct 24, 2023

Minerals in ancient meteorites offer insights into the origin of most of the Earth's surface

Dr. Alice Stephant, an astrophysicist, is helping to solve a longstanding mystery about water on Earth: where it came from.

Space Exploration Oct 24, 2023

Space rocks and asteroid dust are pricey, but these aren't the most expensive materials used in science

After a journey of seven years and nearly 4 billion miles, NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft landed gently in the Utah desert on the morning of Sept. 24, 2023, with a precious payload. The spacecraft brought back a sample from ...

Planetary Sciences Oct 17, 2023

International team reveals source of largest ever marsquake recorded

A global team of scientists have announced the results of an unprecedented collaboration to search for the source of the largest ever seismic event recorded on Mars. The study, led by the University of Oxford, rules out a ...

Space Exploration Oct 16, 2023

Signatures of the Space Age: Spacecraft metals left in the wake of humanity's path to the stars

The Space Age is leaving fingerprints on one of the most remote parts of the planet—the stratosphere—which has potential implications for climate, the ozone layer and the continued habitability of Earth.

Space Exploration Oct 14, 2023

Osiris-Rex: NASA reveals evidence of water and carbon in sample delivered to Earth from an asteroid

On September 24 this year, a NASA capsule parachuted down to Earth carrying a precious cache of material grabbed from an asteroid. The space agency has now revealed images and a preliminary analysis of the space rocks it ...

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