Search results for pauli exclusion principle

General Physics Mar 28, 2012

Neutrons uncover new density waves in fermion liquids

Scientists working at the Institut Laue-Langevin, one of the world's leading centres for neutron science, have carried out the first investigation of two-dimensional fermion liquids using neutron scattering, and discovered ...

Astronomy Nov 22, 2011

Are pulsars giant permanent magnets?

Some of the most bizarre phenomenon in the universe are neutron stars. Very few things in our universe can rival the density in these remnants of supernova explosions. Neutron stars emit intense radiation from their magnetic ...

General Physics Jul 13, 2011

It takes three to tango: Nuclear analysis needs the three-body force

( -- The nucleus of an atom, like most everything else, is more complicated than we first thought. Just how much more complicated is the subject of a Petascale Early Science project led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory's ...

General Physics Jan 13, 2011

The Spin Doctor

An electron spin can be compared to the needle of a compass that points either north or south. Some electrons in a full shell point up, canceling out the electromagnetic fields of an equal number of electrons that point down.

Optics & Photonics Oct 19, 2010

Physicists to discuss largest parity violation, other adventures in table-top physics

( -- Exploring the fundamental laws of physics has often required huge accelerators and particles colliding at high energies. But table-top experiments, usually employing exquisitely tuned lasers and sensitive ...

General Physics Aug 12, 2010

Physicists investigate electron fractionalization into not two, but three components

One of the many intriguing puzzles in physics is the strange behavior of the electron as it fractionalizes into two separate quasiparticles. These quasiparticles, called spinons and chargons (or holons), carry the electron’s ...

General Physics Aug 3, 2010

Physicists develop model that pushes limits of quantum theory, relativity

All of the matter in the universe -- everything we see, feel and smell -- has a certain predictable structure, thanks to the tiny electrons spinning around their atomic nuclei in a series of concentric shells or atomic levels. ...

Nanophysics Aug 28, 2009

Scientists Image the 'Anatomy' of a Molecule (w/ Video)

( -- For the first time, IBM researchers in Zurich, Switzerland, have taken a 3D image of an individual molecule. Using an atomic force microscope, the researchers constructed a "force map" of pentacene, an organic ...

Nanomaterials Jul 9, 2009

Graphene's versatility promises new applications

Since its discovery just a few years ago, graphene has climbed to the top of the heap of new super-materials poised to transform the electronics and nanotechnology landscape. As N.J. Tao, a researcher at the Biodesign Institute ...

Nanophysics Jun 12, 2008

Carbon Nanotubes as a Single-Photon Source

Carbon nanotubes, as true multi-purpose materials, have potential applications in everything from electrical circuits and drug delivery to golf clubs and space elevators. Recently, physicists have investigated single-walled ...

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