Search results for chordates

Astronomy Aug 19, 2016

What do aliens look like? The clue is in evolution

Speculating about what aliens look like has kept children, film producers and scientists amused for decades. If they exist, will extra terrestrials turn out to look similar to us, or might they take a form beyond our wildest ...

Evolution Jul 12, 2016

The telltale heart of chordate evolution: Study shows model organism making do with less

A new study led by researchers of the University of Barcelona and the Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio), published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution, proves once more that evolution does not always imply ...

Biotechnology Jun 17, 2016

Losing genes and surviving—when less is more in the evolution of life

"Loss is nothing else but change and change is nature's delight" says the quote by the philosopher and emperor Marcus Aurelius, which opens a scientific article that analyses the gene loss phenomenon and its impact on the ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 18, 2016

Asynchronous cell cycle phase key to critical stage of animal embryonic development

Cell division of a mother cell to produce two identical daughter cells is known as mitosis. This underlies the early embryonic development of sea squirts, when it changes from being highly synchronized to displaying a distinct ...

Biotechnology Nov 18, 2015

Acorn worm genome reveals gill origins of human pharynx (Update)

The newly sequenced genomes of two marine worms are shedding light on the 570 million-year evolution of gills into the pharynx that today gives humans the ability to bite, chew, swallow and speak.

Archaeology Apr 24, 2015

From sticks to stones—getting a grip on the human genus

2015 has already been an amazing year for human evolution science.

Archaeology Apr 23, 2015

Human ancestors had tentacles

The famous Vitruvian Man drawn by Leonardo da Vinci pictures the canon of human proportions. However, humans didn't become bilaterally symmetric suddenly. There are two main points of view on the last common bilaterian ancestor, ...

Evolution Feb 19, 2015

Animals tend to evolve toward larger size over time, study finds

Does evolution follow certain rules? If, in the words of the famed evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould, one could "rewind the tape of life", would certain biological trends reemerge? Asked another way: can evolution ...

Biotechnology Dec 15, 2014

To know the enemy

Recent collaborations between scientists in Okinawa and Australia are helping to spur genomic research of the Crown of Thorns starfish, a threat to coral reefs across the Indo-Pacific region.

Biotechnology Dec 2, 2014

Software speeds detection of diseases and cancer-treatment targets

Los Alamos National Laboratory has released an updated version of powerful, award-winning bioinformatics software that is now capable of identifying DNA from viruses and all parts of the Tree of Life—putting diverse problems ...

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