Search results for Monkey

Evolution Feb 5, 2024

An infectious gibbon ape leukemia virus found to be colonizing a rodent's genome in New Guinea

A research team has caught a glimpse of a rare case of retrovirus integration. Retroviruses are viruses that multiply by incorporating their genes into the genome of a host cell. If the infected cell is a germ cell, the retrovirus ...

Plants & Animals Jan 31, 2024

Why monkeys attack people: A primate expert explains

Wildlife tourism thrives on our fascination with animals and primates are particularly attractive animals to tourists. With their human-like faces, complex family dynamics and acrobatic antics, they are a joy to behold.

Biotechnology Jan 16, 2024

Scientists clone first rhesus monkey using new method

Scientists in China on Tuesday announced that they have cloned the first healthy rhesus monkey, a two-year-old named Retro, by tweaking the process that created Dolly the sheep.

Plants & Animals Jan 16, 2024

Audible yawns in a non-human species may convey important social information

Most of us are familiar with yawn contagion, which is the act of spontaneous yawning when someone nearby yawns, often but not always audibly. For humans, yawning can emanate from fatigue or boredom, and either seeing or hearing ...

Plants & Animals Jan 11, 2024

Declining primate numbers are threatening Brazil's Atlantic forest

We tend to think of debt as purely financial, but we can also reap what we sow in the natural world through what is known as extinction debt. This concept refers to changes in the past that affect a species' survival in the ...

Evolution Jan 3, 2024

Early primates likely lived in pairs, research suggests

Primate social organization is more flexible than previously assumed. According to a new study led by University of Zurich, the first primates probably lived in pairs, while only around 15% of individuals were solitary.

Cell & Microbiology Dec 26, 2023

A chemically defined, xeno-free culture system for culturing and deriving monkey pluripotent stem cells in vitro

Non-human primates (NHPs) have a high degree of similarity to humans compared to other animal models. These similarities manifest at the genetic, physiological, socio-behavioral, and central nervous system levels, making ...

Plants & Animals Dec 19, 2023

Vervet monkeys follow different social 'norms' and respond to 'peer pressure,' new long-term study shows

People living in different communities follow different social customs or norms. In some places, for instance, it might be standard practice to greet each person you see on the street, while in others that simply isn't done. ...

Evolution Dec 18, 2023

Study provides insights into diets of early primates

Turns out our love of sweet food goes back—way back—to our early primate ancestors, a University of Otago-led study has found.

Evolution Dec 13, 2023

Cell types in the eye have ancient evolutionary origins

Karthik Shekhar and his colleagues raised a few eyebrows as they collected cow and pig eyes from Boston butchers, but those eyes—eventually from 17 separate species, including humans—are providing insights into the evolution ...

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