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Search results for quantum cryptography

General Physics May 4, 2023

A blueprint for a quantum computer in reverse gear

Large numbers can only be factorized with a great deal of computational effort. Physicists at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, led by Wolfgang Lechner are now providing a blueprint for a new type of quantum computer ...

Quantum Physics Apr 18, 2023

The quantum spin liquid that isn't one

For two decades, it was believed that a possible quantum spin liquid was discovered in a synthetically produced material. In this case, it would not follow the laws of classical physics even on a macroscopic level, but rather ...

Optics & Photonics Apr 12, 2023

A new way to share secret information, using quantum mechanics

Quantum information is a powerful technology for increasing the amount of information that can be processed and communicated securely. Using quantum entanglement to securely distribute a secret quantum state among multiple ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 13, 2023

High-performance photon detectors to combat spies in the quantum computing age

How can we combat data theft, which is a real issue for society? Quantum physics has the solution. Its theories make it possible to encode information (a qubit) in single particles of light (a photon) and to circulate them ...

Quantum Physics Mar 10, 2023

A framework to self-test all entangled states using quantum networks

Self-testing is a promising method to infer the physics underlying specific quantum experiments using only collected measurements. While this method can be used to examine bipartite pure entangled states, so far it could ...

Quantum Physics Feb 15, 2023

New approach for Majorana research in short nanowires

Researchers and engineers from QuTech and Eindhoven University of Technology have created Majorana particles and measured their properties with great control.

Quantum Physics Feb 10, 2023

Satellites may enable better quantum networks

A study by Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers has demonstrated how satellites could enable more efficient, secure quantum networks.

Optics & Photonics Feb 8, 2023

Quantum data conversion offers a path to scale up quantum technology architectures

Researchers at the Kastler Brossel Laboratory in Paris have succeeded in building the first converter between the two different types of quantum-bit encodings—an equivalent to converters for classical information, but targeted ...

Quantum Physics Jan 12, 2023

Quantum computers threaten our whole cybersecurity infrastructure: Here's how scientists can bulletproof it

Thirteen, 53 and 433. That's the size of quantum computers in terms of quantum bits, or qubits, which has significantly grown in the last years due to important public and private investments and initiatives. Obviously, it ...

Optics & Photonics Jan 4, 2023

A better photon detector to advance quantum technology

A team of researchers has developed an on-chip photon-counting device that could significantly advance numerous applications of quantum technology.

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