Search results for Tunguska

Condensed Matter Mar 14, 2016

Shock compression research shows hexagonal diamond could serve as meteor impact marker

In 1967, a hexagonal form of diamond, later named lonsdaleite, was identified for the first time inside fragments of the Canyon Diablo meteorite, the asteroid that created the Barringer Crater in Arizona.

Space Exploration Mar 3, 2016

The truth about Scotland's mysterious fireball

On Monday February 29 around 18:45, many lucky people in Scotland and the north of England witnessed something spectacular. A bright light streamed across the sky, flashing several times before fading away. You could see ...

Space Exploration Feb 26, 2016

The five greatest balls of fire over Earth

We live on a moving target in a cosmic firing range. Each day, the Earth is bombarded by about a hundred tonnes of space debris. It may sound alarming, but this is really nothing to worry about. Most of the objects that fall ...

Space Exploration Feb 15, 2016

The mystery about the Chelyabinsk superbolide continues three years later

In 2013 February 15, the approach of asteroid (367943) Duende to our planet was being closely monitored by both the public and the scientific community worldwide when a superbolide entered the atmosphere above the region ...

Space Exploration Oct 1, 2015

Asteroids found to be the moon's main 'water supply'

Water reserves found on the moon are the result of asteroids acting as "delivery vehicles" and not of falling comets as was previously thought. Using computer simulation, scientists from MIPT and the RAS Geosphere Dynamics ...

Space Exploration Sep 23, 2015

Remembering the Vela incident

Thirty-six years ago today, a strange event was detected over the Southern Indian Ocean that remains controversial. On September 22nd, 1979, an American Vela Hotel satellite detected an atmospheric explosion over the southern ...

Space Exploration Sep 10, 2015

What are asteroids?

4.6 billion years ago, our solar system formed from a collection of gas and dust surrounding our nascent sun. While much of the gas and dust in this protoplanetary disk coalesced to form the planets, some of the debris was ...

Space Exploration Jun 3, 2015

The difference between asteroids and meteorites

Asteroids, meteors, and meteorites … It might be fair to say these rocks from space inspire both wonder and fear among us Earthlings. But knowing a bit more about each of them and how they differ may eliminate some potential ...

Space Exploration Apr 1, 2015

ESA's planetary defence test set for 2020

If an asteroid were spotted headed towards Earth, what could humanity do about it? ESA's latest mission is part of a larger international effort to find out.

Space Exploration Dec 18, 2014

Preparing for an asteroid strike

ESA and national disaster response offices recently rehearsed how to react if a threatening space rock is ever discovered to be on a collision course with Earth.

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