Search results for flash floods

Environment Dec 13, 2023

Cyclone Jasper makes landfall in Australia

Tropical Cyclone Jasper hit northeast Australia Wednesday, leaving thousands of people in coastal communities without power and preparing for potentially "life-threatening" floods.

Earth Sciences Dec 8, 2023

More accurate O'ahu rainfall data supports extreme weather preparedness

Rainfall estimations on O'ahu can be more accurate by combining Hawai'i's two main types of rainfall observations, radar and rain gauge, according to a study by University of Hawai'i at Mānoa researchers. Current observations ...

Environment Dec 7, 2023

Scientists: Climate change intensified the rains devastating East Africa

Ongoing catastrophic rains in Eastern Africa have been worsened by human-caused climate change that made them up to two times more intense, an international team of climate scientists said Thursday.

Environment Dec 5, 2023

The short-term rain forecast system is broken. Can AI do a better job of predicting deadly floods?

The floods that killed 20 people in Waverly, Tennessee, and the surrounding area came with little warning.

Earth Sciences Nov 29, 2023

Severe weather disproportionately impacts Oklahoma's native communities, study shows

As the climate, demographics and land usage continue to change, tribal communities in Oklahoma are increasingly at risk of severe weather. A recent study led by Yang Hong with the University of Oklahoma examines these changes ...

Environment Nov 16, 2023

Flash floods kill 100 in Horn of Africa: charity

More than 100 people, including 16 children, have died and over 700,000 been forced out of their homes in the Horn of Africa due to flash flooding, the British charity Save the Children said Thursday.

Earth Sciences Nov 15, 2023

Climate engineering could slow Antarctic ice loss, study says

Scattering sunlight-reflecting particles in the atmosphere could slow rapid melting in West Antarctica and reduce the risk of catastrophic sea-level rise, according to a study led by Indiana University researchers.

Environment Nov 13, 2023

Desperate for water, a desert city hopes to build a pipeline to the California Aqueduct

After decades of unrestricted pumping in the rain-starved northwestern corner of the Mojave Desert, the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin Authority has the distinction of managing one of the most critically overdrawn ...

Earth Sciences Nov 10, 2023

Designing cities for 21st-century weather

Weather extremes, such as heat waves and torrential rainfalls, are becoming more frequent and more intense across the United States under climate change.

Earth Sciences Nov 9, 2023

Significant increase in short-duration extreme precipitation over mountainous areas in China seen under global warming

A new study led by Prof. Xiaopeng Cui from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with experts from the National Meteorological Center of China, has uncovered a startling ...

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