Search results for author:(lin edwards)

Computer Sciences May 25, 2012

Computers excel at identifying smiles of frustration (w/ Video)

( -- Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US have trained computers to recognize smiles, and they have turned out to be more adept at recognizing smiles of frustration than humans.

Cell & Microbiology May 18, 2012

Bacteria alive (more or less) in 86-million-year-old seabed clay

( -- A new study by scientists from Denmark and Germany has found live bacteria trapped in red clay deposited on the ocean floor some 86 million years ago. The bacteria use miniscule amounts of oxygen and move only ...

Earth Sciences May 11, 2012

Sumatra earthquake mysteries examined

( -- An earthquake in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia on 11th April was unusually powerful, at magnitude 8.6, for a “strike-slip” type of quake, and a new analysis of the earthquake ...

Other May 4, 2012

Al Qaeda suspect's porn film found to contain treasure trove of secret documents

A suspected member of the Al Qaeda terrorist group, arrested in May last year in Germany, was found with a memory stick hidden in his underwear. Police discovered the stick contained a password-protected folder with pornographic ...

Plants & Animals Apr 27, 2012

More light shed on how pigeons navigate

( -- Pigeons are renowned for their ability to find their way home from a release point hundreds of miles away, but scientists have never fully understood how they are able to achieve the feat. Now a new study has ...

Evolution Apr 20, 2012

New study suggests polar bears evolved earlier than previously thought

( -- A new genetic analysis carried out by and international team of scientists has revealed that polar bears and brown bears may have diverged around 600,000 years ago, which is much earlier than the previous estimate ...

Astronomy Mar 30, 2012

Organic compounds found in proto-planetary disks

( -- A new study from scientists in the US has reported that organic compounds could be formed in proto-planetary disks, and could have seeded the development of life in our own and other planetary systems.

Materials Science Mar 23, 2012

Safer way to make diazomethane developed

( -- Diazomethane is a toxic, explosive reagent prepared as needed in laboratories, where it is commonly used in cyclopropanation, but its explosive nature prevents it being used widely on an industrial scale. ...

Nanomaterials Mar 16, 2012

Graphene battery demonstrated to power an LED

( -- Scientists in Hong Kong have reported, in ArXiv, their experiments to make a graphene battery that they say generates an electrical current by drawing on the ambient thermal energy in the solution in which ...

Biotechnology Mar 9, 2012

New type of extra-chromosomal DNA discovered

( -- A team of scientists from the University of Virginia and University of North Carolina in the US have discovered a previously unidentified type of small circular DNA molecule occurring outside the chromosomes ...

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