Search results for circadian

Molecular & Computational biology Oct 13, 2023

Unlocking the secrets of cold tolerance: A dive into tomato plants' molecular responses to chilling stress

Cold sensitivity poses a significant challenge for certain essential crops. While there's an indication that these plants may possess cold acclimation capabilities, the molecular dynamics, particularly involving the CRT binding ...

Plants & Animals Oct 11, 2023

Equine feeding methods: Study examines effects on health, well-being

A new study sheds light on how to better care for horses by evaluating the effects different feeding methods have on equine health and well-being, with the results published in the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science.

Social Sciences Oct 9, 2023

Night owls may earn less than early birds: Study reveals connections between circadian rhythm and income level

Researchers from the University of Oulu, Finland, have uncovered a link between internal circadian rhythm and income levels. According to the study, now published in Economics & Human Biology, individuals who tend to be more ...

Plants & Animals Sep 26, 2023

These reindeer survived, isolated, for 7,000 years, but will they survive climate change?

Despite inbreeding and limited genetic diversity, the Svalbard reindeer has managed to adapt to extreme living conditions in record time—what researchers call a genetic paradox. But can they survive climate change?

Evolution Sep 20, 2023

Urban light pollution linked to smaller eyes in birds: Study

The bright lights of big cities could be causing an evolutionary adaptation for smaller eyes in some birds, a new study indicates.

Plants & Animals Sep 18, 2023

Captive pandas could be 'jet lagged' if their body clocks don't match their environment

All animals have an internal clock called a circadian clock, which is regulated by cues from their environment—but animals in zoos can be exposed to very different cues from animals in the wild.

Molecular & Computational biology Sep 8, 2023

These worms have rhythm: New imaging technique to observe active gene expression in real time

There's a rhythm to developing life. Growing from a tiny cell cluster into an adult organism takes precise timing and control. The right genes must turn on at the right time, for the right duration, and in the correct order. ...

Biochemistry Sep 7, 2023

Better sweat collection method could improve biomarker analysis

The chemical composition of human sweat tells us a lot about our health, but collecting it for analysis can be tricky. Current devices worn on the skin fill reservoirs one at a time but do not reflect how our rate of sweating ...

Analytical Chemistry Sep 6, 2023

The first organic oscillator that makes catalysis swing

Oscillating chemical systems are present at nearly every popular chemistry exhibition—especially the ones that display striking color changes. But so far there are very few practical uses for these types of reactions beyond ...

Molecular & Computational biology Sep 5, 2023

Synchronizing your internal clocks may help mitigate jet lag, effects of aging

Traveling to faraway places is a great way to seek out new experiences, but jet lag can be an unpleasant side effect. Adjusting to a new time zone is often accompanied by fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and a host of other ...

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