Search results for quantum entanglement

General Physics Aug 13, 2020

Demonstrating entanglement through a fiber cable with high fidelity

A team of researchers from Heriot-Watt University, the Indian Institute of Technology and the University of Glasgow has demonstrated a way to transport entangled particles through a commercial fiber cable with 84.4% fidelity. ...

Quantum Physics May 1, 2020

Researchers see path to quantum computing at room temperature

Army researchers predict quantum computer circuits that will no longer need extremely cold temperatures to function could become a reality after about a decade.

Quantum Physics Mar 11, 2019

Using quantum measurements to fuel a cooling engine

Researchers at the University of Florence and Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, in Italy, have recently proved that the invasiveness of quantum measurements might not always be detrimental. In a study published in Physical ...

Quantum Physics Feb 21, 2019

Quantum dots can spit out clone-like photons

In the global quest to develop practical computing and communications devices based on the principles of quantum physics, one potentially useful component has proved elusive: a source of individual particles of light with ...

Quantum Physics Dec 16, 2015

Rese demonstrates 'hybrid' logic gate as work towards quantum computer continues

Just over a year ago, the UK government announced an investment of £270m over five years to help get quantum technology out of laboratories and into the marketplace.

Quantum Physics Jun 23, 2014

Physicists find way to boot up quantum computers 72 times faster than previously possible

Press the start button, switch on the monitor, grab a cup of coffee and off you go. That is pretty much how most us experience booting up a computer. But with a quantum computer the situation is very different. So far, researchers ...

Quantum Physics Oct 17, 2012

Bus service for qubits: Spin-orbit qubits are right at home in electrical circuits

Qubit-based computing exploiting spooky quantum effects like entanglement and superposition will speed up factoring and searching calculations far above what can be done with mere zero-or-one bits. To domesticate quantum ...

Quantum Physics Feb 26, 2012

Scientists score one more victory over uncertainty in quantum physics measurements

( -- Most people attempt to reduce the little uncertainties of life by carrying umbrellas on cloudy days, purchasing automobile insurance or hiring inspectors to evaluate homes they might consider purchasing. ...

Quantum Physics Feb 23, 2011

Researchers realize a toolbox for open-system quantum simulation

( -- Experimental physicists have put a lot of effort in isolating sensitive measurements from the disruptive influences of the environment. In an international first, Austrian quantum physicists have realized ...

General Physics Mar 27, 2008

Silicon chips for optical quantum technologies

A team of physicists and engineers has demonstrated exquisite control of single particles of light – photons – on a silicon chip to make a major advance towards the long sought after goal of a super-powerful quantum computer.

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