Search results for quantum entanglement

Quantum Physics Dec 20, 2021

Peers dispute claim that tardigrades were entangled with qubits

Scientists and journalists alike are disputing claims made by an international team of researchers that they had entangled a tardigrade with superconducting qubits. Their paper is published on the arXiv preprint server. Virtually ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 30, 2020

Physicists develop new photon source for tap-proof communication

An international team with the participation of Prof. Dr. Michael Kues from the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD at Leibniz University Hannover has developed a new method for generating quantum-entangled photons in a spectral ...

Quantum Physics May 12, 2016

Experiment suggests it might be possible to control atoms entangled with the light they emit by manipulating detection

Flick a switch on a dark winter day and your office is flooded with bright light, one of many everyday miracles to which we are all usually oblivious.

Optics & Photonics May 20, 2010

Quantum teleportation achieved over 16 km

( -- Scientists in China have succeeded in teleporting information between photons further than ever before. They transported quantum information over a free space distance of 16 km (10 miles), much further than ...

Quantum Physics Jul 5, 2023

Quantum neural networks: An easier way to learn quantum processes

EPFL scientists show that even a few simple examples are enough for a quantum machine-learning model, the "quantum neural networks," to learn and predict the behavior of quantum systems, bringing us closer to a new era of ...

Quantum Physics Nov 4, 2015

Quantum process demonstrates superposition of ordered events

(—In a quantum superposition, a quantum object can be in two incompatible states at the same time, which is famously illustrated by Schrödinger's dead-and-alive cat. Recent research has shown that it's possible ...

Optics & Photonics Aug 21, 2023

Physicists use a 350-year-old theorem to reveal new properties of light waves

Since the 17th century, when Isaac Newton and Christiaan Huygens first debated the nature of light, scientists have been puzzling over whether light is best viewed as a wave or a particle—or perhaps, at the quantum level, ...

Optics & Photonics Jul 30, 2023

Research team synchronizes single photons using an atomic quantum memory

A long-standing challenge in the field of quantum physics is the efficient synchronization of individual and independently generated photons (i.e., light particles). Realizing this would have crucial implications for quantum ...

Quantum Physics May 30, 2022

A new quantum technique could enable telescopes the size of planet Earth

There's a revolution underway in astronomy. In fact, you might say there are several. In the past 10 years, exoplanet studies have advanced considerably, gravitational wave astronomy has emerged as a new field, and the first ...

Quantum Physics Apr 6, 2022

In race to build quantum computing hardware, silicon begins to shine

Research conducted by Princeton University physicists is paving the way for the use of silicon-based technologies in quantum computing, especially as quantum bits—the basic units of quantum computers. This research promises ...

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