Search results for illegal dvds

Internet Mar 14, 2010

Australia defends mandatory Internet filter

Australia Sunday defended its plan to block some Internet content, such as that featuring child sex abuse or advocating terrorism, after a media rights watchdog warned it may hurt free speech.

Software Mar 4, 2010

RealNetworks will stop selling DVD copying product

(AP) -- RealNetworks Inc. said Wednesday that it will stop selling technology that lets consumers copy DVDs to their computer hard drives, settling a handful of lawsuits filed against the company by Hollywood's six major ...

Internet Nov 8, 2009

Framed for child porn -- by a PC virus

(AP) -- Of all the sinister things that Internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you an unsuspecting collector of child pornography.

Business Aug 12, 2009

WTO win could open China's door to US companies

(AP) -- The United States has won a wide-ranging ruling against Chinese trade practices that could provide massive market opportunities for American makers of everything from CDs and DVDs to music downloads and books.

Business Aug 12, 2009

Judge rules against RealNetworks DVD copy software

(AP) -- A federal judge has barred RealNetworks Inc. from selling a device that allows consumers to copy DVDs to their computer hard drives, pending a full trial.

Internet Jul 10, 2009

Guatemalan court rules in favor of tweet author

(AP) -- An appeals court found insufficient evidence to warrant the trial of a Guatemalan whose Twitter message led to his arrest on charges of inciting financial panic.

Internet Jun 26, 2009

Guatemalan fears a tweet will make him a jailbird

(AP) -- Jean Anleu was so fed up with corruption in his country that he decided to vent on the Internet, sending a 96-character message on the social-networking site Twitter.

Internet Jun 7, 2009

Digital piracy looms over World Copyright Summit

Movie directors, composers, authors, legal experts, policy-makers and others are meeting here this week to discuss the "threats and opportunities" the Internet poses to copyright in the digital age.

Software Jun 3, 2009

Anti-piracy pup sniffs out 35,000 illegal DVDs

A DVD-sniffing anti-piracy dog named Paddy has uncovered a huge cache of 35,000 discs in Malaysian warehouses, many destined for export to Singapore, industry officials said on Wednesday.

Internet May 12, 2009

Lawmakers adopt bill to punish Internet piracy

(AP) -- French lawmakers in the lower house on Tuesday passed a bill that would cut the Internet connections of those who repeatedly download music and films illegally, creating what may be the first government agency to ...

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