Search results for gravitational anomalies

Astronomy Jan 12, 2022

A step closer to understanding the 'cold spot' in the cosmic microwave background

After the Big Bang, the universe, glowing brightly, was opaque and so hot that atoms could not form. Eventually cooling down to about minus 454 degrees Fahrenheit (-270 degrees Celsius), much of the energy from the Big Bang ...

Astronomy Jan 10, 2022

New sub-Jupiter-mass exoplanet detected by astronomers

An international team of astronomers reports the detection of a new sub-Jupiter-mass alien world orbiting an M-dwarf star. The newly found exoplanet, designated OGLE-2014-BLG-0319Lb, turns out to be about half as massive ...

Planetary Sciences Oct 3, 2021

Europe-Japan space mission captures images of Mercury

The European-Japanese BepiColombo spacecraft has sent back its first images of Mercury, the nearest planet to the Sun, the European Space Agency said Saturday.

Space Exploration Aug 4, 2021

NASA identifies likely locations of the early molten moon's deep secrets

Shortly after it formed, the moon was covered in a global ocean of molten rock (magma). As the magma ocean cooled and solidified, dense minerals sank to form the mantle layer, while less-dense minerals floated to form the ...

General Physics Jun 29, 2021

Hunting dark energy with gravity resonance spectroscopy

Dark Energy is widely believed to be the driving force behind the universe's accelerating expansion, and several theories have now been proposed to explain its elusive nature. However, these theories predict that its influence ...

Earth Sciences May 28, 2021

Direct evidence of segregated oceanic crust trapped within the mantle transition zone

Professor Yao Huajian's research group from the School of Earth and Space Sciences of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), in cooperation with Dr. Piero Poli from Grenoble-Alpes University of France, ...

Space Exploration May 26, 2021

Europa's interior may be hot enough to fuel seafloor volcanoes

Jupiter's moon Europa has an icy crust covering a vast, global ocean. The rocky layer underneath may be hot enough to melt, leading to undersea volcanoes.

Astronomy Mar 29, 2021

Dark matter is the most likely source of excess of gamma rays from galactic center

In the recent past, space missions dedicated to the study of astrophysical signals in the high-energy spectrum revealed a series of enigmatic excesses not predicted by the theoretical models. In order to find an explanation ...

Astronomy Jan 12, 2021

Reconstructing the solar system's original architecture

As the solar system was developing, the giant planets (Jupiter and Saturn) formed very early, and as they grew, they migrated both closer to and further away from the sun to stay in gravitationally stable orbits.

Astronomy Dec 10, 2020

Hubble pins down weird exoplanet with far-flung orbit that behaves like the long-sought 'Planet Nine'

A planet in an unlikely orbit around a double star 336 light-years away may offer a clue to a mystery much closer to home: A hypothesized, distant body in our solar system dubbed "Planet Nine."

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